Once more

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Third person POV

"Sir" said Commander Kyle. As Arise approached the clone, "what were you doing before you and your legion ran from the empire ?" He asked, just I've he would normally, like nothing happened.

"Sir, we were moving some parts from Kemino to Curo system, to help build a new cloning facility for new clones, we left with everything Sir, equipment, weapons, tools, even materials and DNA pods for the new facility" Kyle replied.
Arise looked around, and most of the clones looked back to him and commander Kyle.

"Maybe we can build a cloning facility here, and boost your numbers again, but have the engineers remove those chips from the new clones heads if some of them see aggressive towards me or others, what about the weapons, anything new ?".
"Some mech suits, from a prototype series of armour, (picture above) look pretty mean too, a charging facility for blaster packs, several factory components to make amour and weapons, even vehicles with the spare parts we have" said Kyle, this time sporting a smirk.

"Good, that could help us too, contact the Destroyer, get them to land and repair, then off load all its cargo" Arise said, "Sir, I've already got a landing zone for the Last Light and its landing as we speak, but... Does this mean we are under your command again ?" Kyle asked as several clones got closer, more Tanks walked passed and their crews looked on, hoping for a chance to serve again.

Arise smiled and laced his hand on Kyle's shoulder, and looked to the crowd, "it would be an honour to command and fight beside you and your clones again", the clones cheered.

Then an explosion came from the wall, several loud alarms and shouts could be heard from its direction.

RWBY ran passed, "the walls been breached, Grimm are in the city" shouted Ruby as several Bulkheads with more hunters flew passed.

"Come on, let's help, Commander, call for reinforcements, and see if the Destroyer can provide support, the rest of you... Get those Tanks moving and follow me. Kyle, get reinforcements and arrive by LAATs when you can, understand ?" Arise said, as he grabbed his lightsaber and ignited it, it's blue glow momentarily lighting his face up.

"No sir" Kyke replied and the turned to the Clones, "you heard the General, get moving" he said then ran off.


Ruby's POV

After we got to the wall, the Grimm had gotten a herd of Beowolfs into the city, lucky most of the hunters teams have been sent to assist in eliminating the herd before it gets out of hand.

But for us, we had a hard time stopping the Grimm, there were a few Beowolfs, Ursas and Nevermores, but then a whole nest of Deathstalkers came out of nowhere, this was really tiring us out...

"Ruby, are there any more teams coming to help us, JNPR and CFVY ?" Asked Wiess as she stabbed an Ursa through its head, "no, I don't think there is until the city is cleared, we need to hold out for a little longer" I replied, shooting two Beowolfs, "I don't think we have much time, I'm getting more tired by the second" said Blake. As she cut a Stinger off a charging Deatstalker.

All of a sudden, we heard a mass of shouts and cheers, but one thing was shouted out by several voices, making it stand out above the rest of the shouting and noise.


I turned to see a crowd of clones that was easily around a hundred strong, come charging at the Grimm, blue beams of light came from their weapons into the Grimm, most of which fell instantly, and some only able to take several belts before falling too.

As the crowd drew near, a single figure in familiar armour and a brown cloak, holding a Blue lightsaber,  ran farther in from of the crowd of clones.

Before the two groups met, he jumped high and dived into the Grimm with his lightsaber stretched out, cutting Grimm down.

"Looks like our back up has arrived" Yang said as she punched a Beowolf in the face, "yeah, looks good, but can they handle the Grimm too ?" Asked Weiss as she and Blake fought an Ursa Major together.

"We will see" I shout over, as several tanks, that the clones told me was called AT-TE, moved over to us, firing at the Grimm, the main cannons on the top fired into the sky, hitting several Nevermores and killing a few instantly.

This will be interesting....

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