Trying to fit in

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Arise POV
(That is the beacon uniform you wear, got to admit, it suits Ren)

After I got my room, scroll and uniform, I put it all away in my room and put 2B in the room as well, I left all my weapons barring my blue lightsaber, incase I need it.
I then walked back to class, and as soon as I entered, I felt that most of the females were staring at me, I could feel their desire to have me... But I wasn't going to let it happen, I don't even know most of them.

I spent my day with Yang trying to get my attention with paper, 'hey, I want to do something, and you tell me what you think' the note read, 'you do know I can sometimes read minds, go and think it, and see if I catch on' I wrote back and waited, I looked at her, then closed my eyes and saw her mind.... It was frightening, to say the least.

I blushed, she saw this and smiled, I then thought of something to get a little pay back and put an image in her mind, she looked confused, I winked and past her a note, saying 'hope you know, I'm bigger then the last thought' and saw her blush, she tried to hide it but failed.

After that class, it was the end of the day, I walked to my room and got changed, 'this uniform is a pain, I like my robes and armour more' I thought to myself and placed my robes back on, then walked out, I headed to a garden of sorts and sat down, meditating, I felt a presence behind me, I opened my eyes and saw Ruby and Blake, "hello, is there something I can help you with ?" I asked, "no, but I wanted to know what are you doing ?" Asked Ruby, "Ruby, he's meditating" said Blake, "that's right, I am trying to see if my master survived the attacks, but I'm too far away to do anything, I can't even feel anything, I can't even see the temple any more, I think I should stop this soon" I sighed, knowing it's futile to even attempt to reach others.

They noticed my current state and tried to comfort me, I smiled at their efforts, but decided to change the subject, "am I really the first off world visitor here ?" I asked, they nodded, "trust me, your the first person from space" said Blake, "well that's a title, I'm that far from the known regions of space that this planet doesn't exist" I said, getting up, "hey, I liked it when you made me fly about, it was fun" said Ruby, giggling slightly, "yes, well, I did want to show you the force to you, and when someone doubted the pen, I made you fly" I said.

"And threw Cardin into a wall, twice" said Blake, "well, it was a good fight, and I didn't want to do that, but he left me no choice, so I disarmed him, shall we say" I said.


I felt something in the force and decided to go see Ozpin, I had my hood up and then I got outside his office in the corridor and saw two guys in armour, holding weapons, 'Soldiers' I thought, I walked upto them and one said "hey, this area is off limits for the moment" he said, "oh, sorry" I said, then walked in front of him and his friend, I put my fingers together and said "you will let me through". He looked at me for a second and said "I will let you through" and he and his friend opened the door, and there were five people in the office, "Ozpin, Goodwitch, some guy in white, a girl in white, and a slightly drunk man, they looked surprised to see me, "you can go back outside" I say to the guards, and wave my hand again, the turned and walked outside the room, closing the door.

"Arise, why are you here ?" Asked Ozpin, "I felt a disturbance in the force, thought I should see what it was, but since this is the cause, I can leave you..." I said, but was cut off by the guy in white saying "No, you can stay, I'm general Ironwood, so your the one from space, huh ?, I would have thought you were younger" he said, I dropped my hood and I said "age is wisdom, so they say, but I know more then you can imagine, I'm only 18 and I was a general at one point, a Jedi knight and a General, I was assigned the 210th Clone Legion of the newly formed Army of the Republic".

"He is so young" said the girl, "I'm Winter Shnee, I heard that you were quite the fighter" she said, and a screen came on, showing my fight with Cardin, "impressive" said Ironwood, after the Video of the fight ended.

"You think that is impressive, there's a known fact that thousands of Jedi keep the peace, and fought in the clone wars" I said, "and where are they now ?" Asked Ironwood, "their... Their all gone now, the Sith had made a plan, and used our own soldiers against us, they destroyed the Jedi temple on Coruscant, I think I'm the last Jedi" I said.

"Wouldn't they come for you ?" Asked Winter, "no, I got in a Blackhole to escape, but my fighter was damaged so I crashed landed on this planet, 2B reckoned we are a few Trillions of light years away from the farthest reached of known space, this part of space hasn't been discovered" I said. The drunk guy said "So... What will you do now ?, oh and I'm..." I cut him off, "I know, your Qrow, I can feel that your related to Ruby and Yang, also that you are powerful and... also drunk" I said, "haha, I like this guy already" he said and sat down, opening a Hip flask.

I smiled, and saw miss Goodwitch give me a cup, "it's coffee, it will give you a small energy boost" she said, "thank you" I said, I drank some of it, it was quite nice, I then sat my cup down and saw Qrow get up, he then fell but as he was about to hit the floor, I threw my hands out and stopped him falling.
He floated there for a second before I put him back on the chair, "perhaps you would want to stay seated ?" I said.

I looked at the balcony and saw team RWBY, "I'll be back later" I said and jumped over the balcony's edge, my robe fluttering like a cloak, team RWBY looked up and saw me, I landed next to them, landing on my knee, I used the force to soften the land a lot, so it was like nothing, "hey Arise" said Yang. "Greetings everyone, and Weiss, your sister is up there, so's Ruby's and Yang's Uncle too" I said, they smiled, "yeah, we will see them later" they all said.

I walked with them through Vale, "I say, does anyone know of a place we can get some food, I'm starving" I asked, "yeah, there is this place down here, come on" said Ruby, dragging me to some restaurant, soon, we ate something called Pizza, "this is amazing" I said, "so, what is the Galaxy like ?" Asked Weiss, "well, there are a lot of places to go, and I saw lots of creatures, even angels" I said, "angels ?!" They all said, "yep, Angels, they are the most beautiful creatures in the Galaxy, I saved one from a separatist Battle Droid, turns out she was one of the Royal princesses, and I was given a royal blessing, and nearly got married" I said, "what happened ?" Asked Yang, "the separatist sent an assassin to kill the Queen and her ministers, but I fought him off, she... Was hurt trying to protect me, it wasn't until I finished the assassin that it turned out that I was the target, so I left, to save her and everyone else" I said, "what was her name ?" Asked Blake, "Amelia" I said with a smile.

"But when I first met you girls at my Fighter, I thought I saw Angels, you got a lot in common with a few of them" I said, they blush, then I said "of course, I had a lot more fights as well, bounty hunters from Mandilor, Sand people from Tatooine, And all that, but I think fighting a Sith Lord was the most dangerous, I only had a few clashes with him before I had to escape, my friends died around me, I fought him to save my friend, but he still killed my friend, after he nearly threw me out a window" I said. The girls were a little saddened by this tale.

I then got up, I felt something, I ran outside and saw something falling to the planets surface, I felt that the thing would fall into the city, it was a fighter of some sorts, I ran to where I was falling, it landed near beacon, there were two of them,I saw them, and I reached for my lightsaber.

RWBY caught up with me, "what is it ?" Asked Ruby, I said "it's... But can't be........They're both...Clone Dropships..." And the doors opened.

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