Not without

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Arise POV

I jumped into the crowd of Grimm, and started slicing them in half, my lightsaber cuts through the Grimm like a red hot knife through air.
I see several clones get close to the many Ursi that get passed me, one clone throws a thermal detonator into a pack of Beowulfs, finishing the whole pack of them in seconds.

Feathers from the Nevermores fall around the field, hitting several AT-TEs, causing slight damage to their legs or armour but only stunning the crews momentarily.
The clones to my left were making firing lines and cleared "lanes" in the crowded of Grimm.
The ones to my right were advancing, slowly while firing from the hip wth their rifles and heavy rotary cannons, wiping out the Grimm, as they marched to the hole in the wall, I looked on and saw team RWBY, who were fighting off a majority of the Grimm that tried to directly head into the city.

I signalled a squad of clones to follow, as I charged to RWBYs position.

I drew my blaster with my other hand and fired several shots into the heads of Beowulfs, including their alpha, then with my lightsaber, I cut an entire Deathstalker in half, I looked forward and saw RWBY with their mouths agape.

"Greetings, I thought you would like some assistance" I said, cutting two Ursi in half as they tried to hit yang and Blake from behind, then the squad of clones made a defensive perimeter around the team and myself.

More Nevermores and griffons flew in, and were about to attack us... But the lead creatures exploded, and two gunships flew through the smoke, cannons firing and rockets exploding.

One of the gunships flew close and the doors opened revealing Kyle with several more troopers, 6 jumped out, one with a rotary cannon, that took to fighting off the Grimm on the ground, while two had rocket launchers and took position several shot meters from the ship, aiming into the skies and clearing them effectively.

More gunships flew down, killing Grimm and dropping more troopers into battle, and taking the very few injured clones off to the Destroyer, which was becoming more visible over the horizon. Kyle jumped out and saluted me, "Sir, Commander Kyle, reporting for duty, Sir" he said, I waved my hand, "at ease, commander" I said.

We looked back at the battle, the Grimm were obviously defeated, fewer and fewer started fighting and sow even ran back through the wall, several clones started cheering and waving their guns in the air, "YEAH !!" Or "RUN YOU CREATURES, RUN" could be heard.

And some clones chanted "FOR THE REPUBLIC" I looked to RWBY team, they were amazed at how the clones fought, but they were obviously tired, "Commander, I think we should collect team RWBY here and give them a lift to Beacon" I say, loud enough for them to hear too.

"Yay" said Ruby, bouncing up and down, I laughed at this display, the rest of her team rolled their eyes and smiled, Kyle moved to the team, "Ma'am's, I have been ordered to see that your four get on board of the gunship so we can take you back to this... Beacon" he said.

"Don't we get a say ?" Asked Weiss, "Ice queen, lighten up, it's a free ride" say Yang.
Weiss scoffed at the nick name and followed Kyle onto the craft, Yang nearly fell over as she walked by, to I grabbed her and carried her.

I know she did it on purpose but hey, they fought hard today.
She smiled lightly and I carried her bridal style, "need a lift ?" I say with a smirk, "Sure thing, I think I'm so~ tired from fighting" she smiled back.

"Yeah.. Those two are a cute together, bet they are gonna date soon" Blake said quietly to Ruby and Weiss, and Kyle, who chuckled lightly.
As I boarded the gunship, I looked to Blake, "do we really make a cute couple ?" I said, shocking Blake that I heard her and making Yang blush to the colour of Ruby's cape.

Kyle burst into laughter as did the two other clones beside the doors, Ruby cracked into a grin and Weiss even smirked, Blake had also blushed lightly.

I chuckled lightly as the craft took off.

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