Our Free Will pt.1 (Shy! Dark Link X Shy! OC) (2)

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   Requested by my friend chiaraDROWNED ! :3 Sorry it took so long, I had a tight schedule.

   Another Dark Link X Reader... Yeah... Lol!

   There's a slight crossover between creepy pasta and ssb, but you don't need to know much about it.


   "You are going into the smash mansion, and that's final," Slenderman commanded to Dark Link. The two was having an important meet in an old abandoned building.

   The demon sighed heavily. Out of all the creepy pastas, why me? I'm going to be busy.

   "You are pretty good at killing and you get the job straight done."

   Wow, now that's something special. Dark Link never heard that from him before and Slender was top dog out of all creepy pastas. He was quite astonished."Well you got yourself a cold blooded killer." He bowed down to Slenderman and smiled to himself.

   Ring! Ring! Slender's phone rumbled in his pocket and got it out to see what it is. Every creepy pasta has a demonic phone with everyone's contacts. These phones are only used for communication. Slender looked at his phone and put it back into his pocket.

   "I guess it's killers now," He mumbled,"A new creepy pasta has joined and I want to see how good this person can be. That's the end of our discussion." Slenderman started to walk away and was about to teleport out of the building until Dark Link grabbed one of his black tentacles.

   "No, this is insane!"

   Slenderman turned and looked straight down at the demon. He was such a fierce towering giant compared to Dark Link. He slowly walked towards Dark Link.

   Frightened, Dark Link stepped back until he hit a wall. His bloodshot red eyes opened to full extent.

   Slenderman came face to face with the demon."Do you know the definition of insanity?"

   Unable to speak, Dark Link shook his head.

   "It means that you do the same thing over and over to expect different results. Just like when you protest against my orders, expecting to get what you want! You'll meet me and the new creepy pasta tomorrow night by the park. Now get going and go pack your belongings!"

   Dark Link almost tripped when he started sprinting for dear life. He made sure he packed all of what his suitcase could muster.


   "Whelp, it's noon," Dark Link said, looking at his watch. He was just sitting on a bench by the park. Like all creepy pastas, Dark Link wore a disguise to make him look like a normal human being by day. When night comes, that's when they reveal themselves.

   A limousine pulled up right beside the demon. A window rolled down and a not so familiar face popped out and smirked at him.

   "Hello, Dark Link, I see you were finally did as you were told." Yep. That's Slenderman alright.

   Dark Link got inside the limousine and was just flat out fantastic. His eyes gazed around the behemoth. Nice fancy seating, a small little bar with all sorts of colorful drinks, TVs, seats that can massage you, and so on."How the hell did you get a limo?"

   "It was quite simple," Slenderman's smirk grew wider as he puts more emphasis on "simple".

   "Oh..."Dark Link was trying to process that through his mind."... Oooh! I get it! You killed the driver and stole the car?"

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