Chapter Eight

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Darcy felt giddy as she walked into school the next day. She knew she was absolutely bonkers for being in love with someone she just met but she didn't care.

She sat down at her desk in homeroom and glanced around. Her stomach dropped a bit when she noticed Alex wasn't there. Where could he be?  She brushed it off. He was probably just running late or something.

The last bell had rung and Darcy was walking towards her car. She hadn't seen any sign of Alex all day. Darcy pulled out her cell and found his name quickly. The phone rang and rang and rang before finally going to his voicemail. Darcy sighed and got in her car. She was really worried about him. She kept thinking about him while she drove home. When she arrived, she wandered lazily upstairs.

Her phone started to vibrate in her hand. A text from Alex flashed on the screen. She opened it. It was just an address. She frowned and knit her eyebrows together. Why would he send her an address?


Hi you guys! sorry I haven't updated I'm working on updates for all my stories and my poetry. Just been a bit busy. anyway. here's another chapter of darkness. enjoy aha vote comment fan do yo thang ~Ms. BrownEyes

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