Chapter III pt. 1

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Present day:
​Zeilla had told a much abbreviated story, leaving out parts here and there about the confrontation at her old house, the mysterious wolf that she saw, and many other details that were too personal to mention to the woman. But as she replayed the events of those two days in her mind, Skersha got a front row seat to the show.
​You do realize that the wolf was me, don't you? She asked.
​I thought as much. Why were you there?
​I saw a fearful girl with a man in pain and a tired horse. The sight interested me.
​How was Silas in pain? Skersha did not respond.
​"And that's essentially how I came to be a slave for my master." Zeilla finished off, her mind returning to the present, "Now, I believe we had a deal ma'am, I tell you my story, and you give me that rier good plate of food there." Zeilla was starving from days without a proper meal and this food was like she hadn't had in months. Before she had even run away, her master only left her table scraps of the food she cooked for him. That wasn't even mentioning that the food she found out on the streets was less than.
​"You know what," the woman said, ignoring Zeilla's street corrupted Tharian word for 'sweet' or 'beautiful' with a tone of voice that made Zeilla edgy, "I don't think that I want to give you this, girl. What would a lowly slave girl do with a divine meal like this one? Stuff your face with those grubby little fingers of yours? I don't think you've even held dining utensils since you became nothing. I bet that you've even forgotten how to use a knife and fork. Have you?"
​"I-I, well..." She glanced away as heat rushed to her face and she knew she was blushing. It was not entirely true that she ate everything with her hands, but for the most part, Zeilla had forgotten the art of eating properly. She hadn't had the time or energy to practice, not that she ever used more than a fork a knife, or a spoon. Silas, although technically being a noble because the king wanted to give him something, owned no more than he needed to.
​"Well then there you have it. Why don't I go give this to someone more deserving, or maybe I'll just eat it myself." She laughed a light sharp sound like the rubbing of a wine glass. Zeilla knew that sound, she had heard it before while being captured several times.
​"B-but you promised, ma'am. You said I c-could have f-food if I told you..." She trailed off. She now knew who this woman was, and Veinneias most likely did not need refreshing on what had happened.
​"I did, didn't I?" Captain Veinneias popped a piece of bacon in her mouth and closed her eyes savoring it, "Mmm, well I guess I lied. I really had no intention of giving you anything this whole time. But I did accomplish what I came here to do, taunt you. Oh, and may I say that if this were an interrogation, then that would have been easiest interrogation I've ever done. Who knew that all we needed to do to make you talk was give you some food! Ha! There's an idea. Not that there was anything I didn't already know."
​Zeilla now remembered where she had heard that laugh before. This woman was Veinneias, King Galleon's Captain of the Guard, who had brought her into this castle the very first time, and many times after. She often came to make Zeilla even more miserable before being shipped off to Silas's. Although she had not done so in years. That was why the girl did not recognize her. That and the fact that she had dresses as a Lady and imitated the cocky stride. Zeilla was groggy and thinking was hard. That was probably why she hadn't realized who she was talking to earlier. She doubted that she could decipher anything in her current state. Zeilla had yet to determine if she was sent by King Galleon or if she came for her own sake. Maybe she was like Skersha, and just got a kick out of taunting her.

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