Chspter VII pt. 2

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The girl looked at a few books, but finding that she couldn't decipher any of the characters; she abandoned her efforts. After a half an hour went by and Maeron still didn't come out Zeilla started drifting off to sleep. Ten minutes later Maeron came out, only to find that Zeilla was softly snoring, head drooped and almost falling off of her chair.
​She really must be tired, she was sleeping on the way here and now she is asleep again. Although come to think of it, I'm not really surprised. That master of hers abused her with beatings, why wouldn't he deprive her of sleep. Viljast walked over to her to wake her up, "Zeilla, he whispered in her ear as not to startle the girl, "Come on and get up Zeilla." He tapped her shoulder and that did the trick; she shot up out of her seat, confusion clouding her eyes.
​"I wasn't sleeping master, I was just... huh?" she looked around trying to remember where she was until a light dawned in her eyes, "Oh, um, sorry sir." Zeilla flushed and stared at the ground as if she was trying to bore a hole into it.
​"I told you to stop apologizing to me Zeilla, it gets a little annoying."
​A person behind Maeron that Zeilla hadn't earlier noticed gave a short bark of humorless laughter, "Annoying? Maeron Viljast, you wouldn't know the first thing about 'annoying.' Annoying is listening to you drone on and on for forty endless minuets about nothing!"
​Maeron sighed, "Zeilla, this is the young man I wanted you to meet. His name is–" but he was cut off by Zeilla herself,
​"Fedyr Cormac, I know." She said this with an almost surprised tone of voice. As if she would expect to see him anywhere but here.
​"Have you met him before Zeilla?" Maeron asked curiously.
​"Know him?" she answered incredulously, "At one point I think he was actually stalking me. The last time I think I saw him; I was half dead and locked up in a dungeon cell. Well, I'm pretty sure I was hallucinating that last bit, but yes, I know him."
​"Zeilla, you weren't hallucinating," Fedyr said, "I was actually there."
​Sir Viljast sighed, He had expected Cormac to introduce himself to Zeilla, even though it was completely against the rules, but the boy seemed to have had several run ins with her. And he was beginning to suspect that Cormac has already told her his secret.
​"Well now that we all know each other," He said aloud, "I think that we should get going." Viljast walked towards the stairs and Zeilla fell in step behind him, Fedyr next to her.
​"So how are you doing Zeilla?" Fedyr asked softly, touching her arm. Zeilla flinched.
​"Please don't do that Fedyr." She said grimacing.
​"Oh right," he said removing his hand, "You don't like to be touched. How could I forget?"
​Zeilla wouldn't meet his eyes. Fedyr called this closing up, when she wouldn't speak to him or even look at him unless he ordered her to. It was the same thing that she did to almost everyone. Except Maeron, he could tell that she tried not to look him in the eye, or speak to him unless he told her to, but she seemed as if she was just too curious to do that.
​Zeilla never tried to close up to Fedyr when she was injured; like she was in King Galleon's dungeon. Maybe it was because she just didn't have the energy. Or maybe it was because she wanted him to help her. But in those short minuets when she needed him the most, he absolutely glowed. Zeilla had an expression that made her look like she was broken, like she didn't care anymore. But Fedyr knew this was not true, she did care, but she was scared of being hurt.
​"Something like that." Zeilla muttered, avoiding his gaze. They kept walking.

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