Chapter VI pt. 3

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As he watched the man and the girl walk off Silas felt a pang of emotion. He had experienced so little in the way of emotion besides annoyance for so long that it took him a few moments to realize just what exactly he was feeling. Eventually figured it out, what he was feeling was envy. He should have been happy or even excited at the prospect of all the gold in that heavy sack of his and what it meant for him; a slave that didn't run away every five months and actually obeyed him when he commanded –one that was also strong enough to help him with the more manual tasks– the gold would also allow him to live in considerably more comfort. And yet, he felt that the girl would be better off than him living with this new master and with a moment of thought he knew exactly why; the reason was that he was miserable because of himself and that something he could never get over, but she was miserable because of him and she had just gotten rid of him. He probably had scarred her, but that was something that she could also get over.
​He missed his Emmer, if she was still alive and with him then he would finally be happy, but she was dead.
​And he had killed her.

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