Chapter III pt. 2

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The lady was walking away as Zeilla reached this conclusion but something stopped her. Someone was strolling towards the captain. Zeilla peered curiously through the bars of her cell to watch the events unfold. This particular dungeon was dark and damp; the few torches that didn't go out provided little light. Thus Zeilla couldn't see more than ten or so feet in front and she could only make out shapes. The unnamed person stepped in front of her tormenter and stopped, folding their arms.​
​"I believe I did hear you promise that girl a tray full of sausages, eggs, and bacon. Let me help you with fulfilling that promise." The male voice was calm and firm, but the words were menacing. Zeilla backed away from the bars of her to get away from the newcomer. When her back touched the wall, she sat. She could still see their shapes, and hear their voices. Veinneias backing down and fleeing surprised her.
​Captain Veinneias doesn't seem like the cowardly type, Zeilla thought impishly, but then again, I'm so exhausted right now that I wouldn't notice if someone went up and shouted in my face. Maybe I just didn't see her cowardice because of that. But that didn't seem right: king galleon would never promote a coward to captain of the guard. There were only a few reasons as to why she had run, Zeilla thought. Maybe she didn't have time to prevent me from having a meal? But that was unlikely: if she didn't have time, why would she listen to Zeilla's story in the first place? Perhaps Veinneias was ordered to come down here and not cause a hassle? Zeilla considered this possible.
​Zeilla's last theory was that maybe this man looked so frightening Veinneias chose not to risk it. She decided this was possible yet improbable: she had seen -rather felt- that the captain was a lot stronger than she appeared to be. People tend to use this type of information to their own advantage.
​The stranger had walked over to her cell by now. He set the tray on the floor and prodded it under the rusty bars with his shoe. Zeilla was in the shadows, out of his view; she preferred it this way. She was a strong believer of staying as invisible as possible. After all, you can't hit what you can't see. Zeilla always did her best to stay invisible and silent, and wait for the next time she could escape. Sadly, in this dungeon, that wasn't going to happen any time soon.
​He'd seated himself on the floor by now instead of just pushing the tray to her. She wondered at his intentions for only a brief moment before he spoke.
​"Who is in here?" Instead of answering, Zeilla backed up even further against the damp wall. He frightened her, and she couldn't afford another beating.
​The man sighed. He turned his back to the bars and pulled away the tray, most likely to apprehend her when she'd reach for it.
​Why is he still in front of the cell? Oh great, he doesn't seem like he's content with just leaving.
​No he does not, girl. So what are you going to do about it? Skersha loved to mock her whenever she seemed to least need it.
​I, I don't know. I guess I'm just going to wait until he looks away or gets distracted by something-
​And then what? The wolf broke in. You're just going to try and sneak the food? Instead of being a daring fool you're choosing to be a cowardly one.
​He-he m-might try to b-b-beat me, my m-m-master is-
​Zeilla, you think everyone wall is going to beat you. And stop stuttering, girl, it is an absolutely unbecoming habit.
​I'm s-s-sorry Skersha, I st-stutter w-when I'm scared of s-s-something.
​And who are you more afraid of right now, girl, me or him?
​Zeilla buried her head in her hands. She knew this was a trick question: regardless of her answer, Skersha would grow angry at her.

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