Do you hate me?

38 2 0

Elizabeth POV

"Ready dad," I ask for the billionth time"we have to leave in like five minutes. Are you finished?"


I sighed and sat down on the couch across from Justin.

He tried to make small talk with me. Eventually he gave up when I kept one wording him.

My dad was taking forever so I just checked Instagram.

Elena tagged me in a photo.

"Miss my best friend🤒😭😍👯 @elizabethbraun"

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"Miss my best friend🤒😭😍👯 @elizabethbraun"

I commented back.

I sighed and locked my phone. Justin looked up when I did.

He opened his mouth to speak"-Okay I'm ready!" He says on grabbing his bags to put in the car.

Justin and I go over to help him.


The car ride was small talk. My dad wanted to drive and Justin sat in the front. They mostly just talked to each other about work and some other stuff I didn't listen to because I turned up my music in my earplugs.

"we're here!" my dad sounds way too excited about leaving. He smiles and hops out the car. Justin followed him out to get the bags.

I feel obligated to help with his luggage now.

"I'm going to miss you," Justin said giving him a long hug.

"Im going to miss you too, call me if you need anything." He says hugging back. He looks at me and gives me a hug too. "I'm sorry sweetie, I know you just got here and I'm leaving you so soon." He paused. I think he could tell I wasn't interested in his bs. " I promise, I'll make it up to you as soon as I get back. Just me and you."

No wonder why my mom left him.

"Mhm, have a safe flight. I'll see you when you get back. Love you," he gives me another hug.

"Love you too sweetheart."

On our way back to the car, it started to rain so we had to run to the car because I was not dressed for rain weather. I'm in sweatpants and a freaking tank top.

"Um, do you want me to drive?" I asked Justin.

He looked up at me and smiled. "No it's okay I'll drive"

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