"So this is your daughter?"

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"You're going to be fine Liz" my mom assumed for like the third time we've been in the car. 🙄

"Well, making me leave my home to live with my father that's 'too famous for his child'. Yeah mom I'm going to be just fine  " I replied in annoyance.

"Elizabeth, you're father is a good man, you know his schedule requires him not to have as much time as he wishes with you."

"Yeah whatever" I mumble, not trying to continue what would have turned into a big argument.

My mom and dad got a divorce about three years ago and I've been going back and forth with the both of them. I would stay more at my moms house than Dads because he always had work. So basically I lived with my mom for about three years since the divorce and about 2 times out of the month I would see my dad.

"Honey, call your father and tell him we're here"

Well it turns out my mom and dad had a little argument. My mom I guess wanted to go back to work and needed my dad to watch me for a couple of months and I guess he started complaining about that. Long story short she got mad because she's basically had me for three years and now it's his turn blah blah blah.

We park the car and started to get my bags out.

"Hey honey," I heard my dad say walking towards me.

"Oh, hey dad" I said returning the hug.

"Hey Samantha, how have you been?" He said hugging my mom.

"I've been good Scooter." She said slightly irritated with him.

"Well let me help with those" he said taking the bags from my moms hand and putting in the house.

Woah, the house was big, much bigger than my moms house.

"Come on I'll show you your room," dad says while leading me up the stairs. "Here we go, start unpacking and getting settled. Your mother and I will be downstairs.

I slightly nod as he leaves.

My room was huge. Like HUGE.

I didn't know where to start.

About an 15 later I got bored and gave up on unpacking.

I went downstairs to my parents.

"Hey, I'm about to head out." My mom said smiling at me. While my dad was just staring at me oddly.

I walked over to hug her. "Okay, bye mommy. Love you!"

"Love you to hunny, see you soon." She hugged back and said goodbye to my dad.

Who knows I might like it here? 🤔

"So, in about 30mins. I'm going to go to the studio to work on some stuff with Justin and I'll be back at like 9pm okay?"

I spoke too soon.

I just nod. He could tell I was a bit irritated.

"Hey, tomorrow, it could just be you and me," He said making his way up stairs. "There's food in the fridge if you get hungry, or you can order something. "

Alright then.

I make my way to my room and just finish unpacking.


I heard my phone ring.

"Hey hun, I'll be there in five minutes" my dad said.

"Alright," I said half asleep.

I must've fell asleep while unpacking. I checked the time and it was only 10:50pm. Great I better not be up super late tonight. I got up and went through all the cabinets in my bathroom. I finally found one. I plug my phone in to the speaker and went in the shower.

I got out the shower, turned my music down a tad bit, and put on some shorts on and a hoodie. I looked through my suitcases to try and find a blow dryer, I finally found it and started to blow dry my hair.

After I finished my nightly routine I went downstairs to go get some water. My dad was finally home and it was now 11:35pm.

So much for 9pm.

I  grabbed my water and my dad came in the kitchen with two other people.

"Hey, Hun sorry I wasn't home in time. We got a little carried away at the studio." My dad looked at Justin and another guy next to him and started laughing.

"So this is your daughter?" Justin asked with a smirk.

My dad nodded. "Yes, I'm going to bed goodnight"

We all said goodnight.

"I'm Justin, and this is Stiles." He said pointing next to him.

"I'm Elizabeth." I said smiling towards Stiles. It was an awkward silence with the stare off going on with us. "Um, I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight" I said grabbing my water.

"Goodnight" Stiles said

"Really? You don't want to stay down here with us?" Justin said walking over to chairs.

"And do what?" I asked with a slight attitude.

"I don't know. Watch a movie or something?"

"I'll pass." I said slightly annoyed."goodnight"

I went up to my bed and just layed down for a bit. I was kind of rude back there. I couldn't help it though. He is the reason my dad and I barely see each other. Justin might as well be his son. I know this sounds selfish or whatever but I don't care. Justin is why my own dad doesn't have time for his one and only child. It always irritated me, but I was trying to be nice. I don't want my fathers 'son' mad at him because of things I would've said.

About an hour later I dozed back off to sleep.


So I'm kind of new at this writing thing. I already know that there is going to be a lot of errors and things. Lol. Just try to ignore them for now until I get used to this whole thing.

Tell me what you thing about this chapter.


Thank you✨💖

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