Movie Date?

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We finished eating and headed our way to the movies.

I rented out the place so I wouldn't be mobbed.

"Do you want anything?" I say getting up from the seat.

"Sour patches and a slushie please?" She asks.

"Okay, I'll be back."

I went to go get two slushies, and some candy.

I head back to our seat handing her the sour patches.

"Thank you," she says taking the candy.

"Is your phone off or something?"

"No, it's on do not disturb. Why did you call?" She says checking it seeing all the notifications she has. She ignores them and turns the screen back off.

"No, I was just wondering because you haven't checked it or looked at it today. Why is it on do not disturb?"

"Oh, um because I'm really bad at facing my problems and I'm really good at ignoring them and pretending they don't exist and I just like the silence. " She says looking down.

"I feel you. I've always wanted to just turn off my phone and get away. Just take a day or two off and be in silence without paparazzi, without fans just trying to take a picture of me like I'm some type of zoo animal, and without the pressure of being someone who I know is not me," I sigh. "I'm sorry,"

She looks at me confused. "For what?"

"Stealing your dad," she stares at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you don't like me, even when you're being nice I can tell you don't want to be around me. I don't blame you. If I was in your position I wouldn't want to talk to me either. I basically stole your dad away from you. So I wanted to say sorry."

She looked past me and looked down. "Okay to be honest at first I was mad at you because I wanted someone to blame for my dads actions, but I realized it's not your fault. My dad is his own man he's responsible for his life and what he chooses to do with it. He makes the decision wether to send me a text just checking in or actually seeing me. It has nothing to do with you and I'm sorry for taking it out on you." She says looking back up at me.

"Okay, so we're cool?" I say giving her a small smile.

"Yeah," she says returning the smile.

The movie started and we both watched the screen.

She jumped and covered her eyes a lot. It was so funny. I jumped a few time myself.

"How'd you like the movie?" She asked as we were walking out the door.

Before I could answer I spot a whole bunch of paparazzi standing outside the theatre. We quickly turned back around the corner.

"Well this isn't going to be good," I say giving her a worried expression. "I have to leave through the front because they know I'm in here and they probably have people standing in the back as well. You leave through the back after I go through the front so I can get there attention on me."

"Wait why are we doing this?" She asks looking kind of scared.

"Because if they see us together they're going to be questioning, insulting us, and flashing their cameras right in our faces. Also, if they see us together they will create rumors and it'll get back to your bad and I don't want to be yelled at for going on a movie date with his daughter," I pause not even realizing I just called this a date. She didn't say anything she just looked at me. I don't know if I should say something or just drop it in hopes she didn't catch it besides this is not a date.

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