Chapter 22: Picnic

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"Can I open my eyes yet?" I asked as Landon led me forward, holding both my hands. "Where are we going anyways?"

"We're almost there. It's a surprise," he replied and I heard the grin in his voice.

"Okay, but if I trip and go sprawling I'm going to kick your ass, date or not."

"Don't worry, I'm right here to catch you."

I felt grass under my flip flops, the blades tickling my feet, and wondered where exactly he was taking me. We weren't allowed off campus except for weekends and all he had told me was that we were going on a date tonight. He didn't say where, or how, or anything. He just said to close my eyes and trust him.

And for some reason I did.

"Alright," he said, "Open your eyes."

My eyes opened. I blinked against the bright rays of the sun fighting their way through the trees, not used to it after having my eyes closed for so long. Once I adjusted I looked down and saw we were in the forest in a small clearing. There was a blanket on the floor with a basket right in the middle, and Landon stood by it, fidgeting nervously.

"A picnic?" I asked, surprised.

"Do you like it?" 

I hugged him tightly. "I love it!" I cried, "This is totally sweet."

He looked visibly relieved at that and led me to the blanket where we both sat down. He pulled food from the basket and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I've got connections," he said by way of explanation.

"Ah," I said, "Do I want to know?"

"No. I like my air of mystery."

"Yeah, right," I said sarcastically, suddenly remembering Jill from last night. I plucked at the hem of my shirt. Now was not the time to bring it up or think about it, but I'd be lying if it hadn't been churning around my brain nonstop since she told me. 

"Jill said you cheated on her," I blurted.

No way could I get through this date with that swirling around my brain. Jill might be a bit crazy and mean, but that didn't mean she was lying. Whether she was or not, I needed answers now before I drove myself out of my mind wondering. I'd never find out unless I asked after all,  though I probably could have approached the subject with a bit more tact.

He inhaled sharply, rubbing a hand across his eyes. "I did."

My stomach plummeted.

I hadn't wanted to believe Jill, thought she was maybe just blowing things out of proportion from jealousy, but now that he confirmed it?

"What?" I asked.

"I cheated on her," he said slowly, like it pained him to admit it.

"Oh," I looked down again, not quite sure how to take this. At least he was being honest, but I wasn't sure how much better it made the situation.

"Hey," he said softly, touching the back of my hand before he picked it up and entwined our fingers together, "That was before, I'm different now. I wouldn't do that to you."

I didn't say anything. My last boyfriend cheated on me. So did my first boyfriend. I didn't love the feeling of knowing Landon had a history of that, even if he had supposedly changed.

"Kiana, you know me. I would never do that," he said. "I was angry and stupid before and I took it out on everyone else. That doesn't make it okay, but that's the truth of it. I've put it behind me and I'm making every effort to be better, alright?"

I looked up, searching his face and trying to weigh my options. Hadn't I come here for a fresh start? Maybe that's all he wanted too.

If Jill had told me that when I first met Landon, I would have believed her with no doubt and steered clear from Landon. But I knew him a little and he wasn't the same as he was when we first met. He listened and he changed to be better and nicer to me when I hated it. I could give him a chance.

"I trust you," I said slowly, because part of me did trust that he was sincere in that, even if it meant I'd be more cautious in future. "So don't screw it up or else you'll regret it."

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