Chapter 44: Lexi

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Days passed and it was mostly the same. The same backwards, frustrating non-relationship relationship with Blade. Mick excitedly brainstorming date ideas of what to do with Aidan when they came back. Nate and Katie being adorable. Landon and I settling back into a friendship. Burying my head in the mountain loads of homework, tests, and projects.

Except for the fact that Jill had been hanging around me an awful lot. And the fact that she now sat by herself at lunch. And during class. And every time I saw her she was alone. That was definitely new.

And I was beginning to feel very, very bad for her.

By Friday, I gave in to my guilt. When I saw her walking across campus on my way to the cafeteria, a lone figure on the cloudy gloomy day, I jogged to catch up with her.

"Hey," I said, immediately blanking on something to say. I never really talked to Jill outside of trading jabs and I had no clue how to start a halfway decent conversation with her. "It's...pretty cold today."

Nailed it.

Her head whipped up, big blue eyes blinking up at me. I was surprised when I saw her face. She looked different, more...natural. She had makeup on, but not the pounds she usually wore. It was much more understated than her full on glam looks. And her hair was up in a ponytail. A ponytail. She was dressed the same though, in high heeled boots, jeans that fit perfectly, and a coat that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe. She was still a knock-out, but she didn't look as though she was trying as hard as before.

"Um...yeah." She still looked stunned that I had approached her, her arms wrapped tight around her school books--another shock as she usually she had some guy to carry them for her--but at least she wasn't running away from me screaming anymore. I guess after the vamp attack Jill lost all her friends and crowds of adoring fan boys.

Good friends she had. Not.

"It's almost you think it's going to snow soon?" I asked, loathing the small talk but genuinely curious. I loved snow and lived for winter. Icy cold days but going inside to a warm house, sitting by the fire with hot chocolate...Mmmm. Perfect.

"I hope so. I like the snow," she said as she looked up at the overcast sky, cold wind ruffling her long slick ponytail and hoop earrings. 

So far so good.

"Me too," I said, thinking of the days when me and Dad used to go outside and play in the snow. Building snow men, forts, having snow ball fights...I missed him most when winter came around each year. Especially on my birthday. We usually spent the days outside, me and my parents, going ice skating or tobogganing or making snow angels. Then we'd huddle inside the house with all the Christmas decorations and hot chocolate and mountains of mini marshmallows on top, snuggle on the couch under warm blankets and watch whatever holiday movie we could find.

"I guess I'll see you later," she said, avoiding my eyes once we reached the cafeteria.

"You're not coming in for lunch?"

A sharp shake of her head as she took a step back. "I'm busy."

"Okay. Bye then," I said as she bowed her head against the wind and continued to the girls dorm building alone. Was she actually busy or was she just hiding? Maybe I should have invited her to join me.

I doubted she'd want to have lunch with me and my friends, but at this point, weirder things had happened between us.

"Hey, cutie. I haven't seen you all morning. Busy?" Mick said once I sat down, peeling my coat off gratefully in the heated cafeteria.

"Sorry," I hugged him awkwardly at our table. Now that our tiny foursome of Nate, Katie, Landon and myself had grown to include Mick, Jenny, and Noah--and occasionally Leah--we had moved from our corner booth to a longer table, but it was still a bit crowded.

"How's Blade? You two still bickering?" he teased, eyebrows rising pointedly. He may not be talking about the fact that Blade and I were sort of together but sort of not, but that didn't mean he wouldn't hint and question and tease me over it.

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