"I care about you"

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Lol sorry for the time skips especially the 3 months skip in the last chapter XD I just couldn't decide If I should continue it with Shy's POV or Liam's~~, lolp lolp!!

Well then I guess I'll continue it with Shy's POV today on where she was walking home , sooooooo

Let's get started!!


3 months ago

Shy's POV

~~~Time skip at Shy's house LOL~~

As I walked in rain suddenly poured down...

"I'm home..." I said quietly "Mom..?" My voice cracks.

I looked around but I couldn't find her even in her room.
I walked at the kitchen to drink something..'oh yeah I forgot about him'

"Roger"I said out Loud

"Yes?" I heard a shout out side the back door near the kitchen sink "I'm here Shy"

I walked towards the door and opened it, it leads outside.

i saw him sitting there and watching the night sky while he has a cup of coffee in his hands... He looked like a kid that have never saw the night sky before "what's up?" He asked.

He looked at me and just smiled.. did I ever told you that I haven't taken a bath yet and black blood are dripping down my face..

"Nothing..." I said my voice faiding into a sob hot tears poured down my cheeks

I sat down next to him hiding my face in both of my knees, not touching my face with my bloody black hands crying silently as he watches the night sky, we were covered and protected by the small roof under us from the rain.

I cried and cried till I broke down, I cried louder and I kept saying sorry, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect him..Im so sorry....

My heart hurts so much..its like the whole world was swallowing me underground and the darkness and people I love was vanishing...some of them are even watching me not carrying about me..my whole world cracked and my body become numbed and cold from the freezing wind that the rain was making..I didn't know what to do anymore..my brothers dead...and..I'm all alone

Roger lifted up his hand and placed it on my head, he moved me closer to him so I was lining on his arms


I thought to my self..I felt so tired and week..I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep, but every time I closed my eyes I saw my brother...I don't want to remember..my brothers gone and I can't do anything to bring him back...I'm useless..

Roger hummed a song..a very warm song..it melt my heart and warmed it...I listened and listened till the end..my eyes felt heavy ..until he stopped

"I'm sorry.."

He said to me almost a whisper .. like he didn't want anyone to hear him say it except me

I looked at him, confused at what he meant..he just looked at me and smiled his smile..the same smile he gave to me at the very first time he came to the house..ha..I even remembered Blaze as he said he didn't trusted him..I really wondered why?

Roger looked away

"I'm sorry that you had to experience that...again.."

Roger said as he stopped looking at the night sky and down to the ground, his words were confusing to me at first but then I realized...he also knew. I wanted to say its ok ...I wanted to say its OK and that's its not his fault..that's its my fault for forgetting and for being week..I wanted to tell him but my voice won't come out..

"I'm sorry...I couldn't stop him..I had to...he created me.."

Roger didn't looked at me but I know he was crying..silently like I was..It hurts..

Silence field the atmosphere until he spoke

"He already told you right? Pain..that is.."

I nodded slowly..my head started to hurt thinking about him..he lied to me..to my brother-

"Please don't hate him..he never wanted this to happened.."

He looked at me

Then he looked away and hummed. The warm song makes my eyelids heavy and heaver as he hummed

I didn't even noticed my eyes closing on me..all I could feel is sleepiness..I closed my eyes and-

"He just wanted to protect you..."

A single tear fell down my cheek.

I wonder what's gonna happen next...... =)

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