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if i fail, i'll fall apart. maybe it is all a test cause i feel like i'm the worst so i always act like i'm the best.


the curly haired brunette stared down at his wrist, reading the words for the millionth time. they weren't profound and interesting like some but rather . . . rude.

watch where you are going, dick.

yeah, stuck with the word dick tattooed on your wrist forever. how great. his soulmate sounded like a lovely fucking person, he couldn't wait to meet him.

dan narrowed his eyes, sighing. he had just moved to a new school district.

his parents had demanded it as he was always being bullied. mostly for his clothing style. not that he cared. he was used to it and he was determined to be himself, even if his parents suggested otherwise.

he always objected and continued to purchase clothing and accessories that he liked best. pastel jumpers, pretty flower crowns, shirts with pretty designs and even nail polish. sometimes he even purchased tights and leggings.

yes, sometimes kids told him it was gay. he got that occasional 'your clothes are gay' and he would simply reply with a 'just like me' or 'well that makes sense, since i am'. sarcasm was his greatest talent. actually, more like hiding behind his own humor.

you make people think that the assholes don't bother you and everyone USUALLY leaves you alone.

. . .

dan grabbed his phone, stopping the alarm. he had about an hour to get ready for school. this amount of time was important because picking the perfect outfit and making your hair look absolutely pristine was important and took time. this was especially important for the first day of school.

he rubbed at his brown eyes as he looked through his closet, picking out a nice pink pastel jumper. in bold, white words it said the word cute. that described him perfectly as many had proclaimed. he honestly couldn't help but agree. then he picked out a nice pair of black leggings and one of his pink and purple flower crowns.

time for hair.

he went to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face. he was still in the clothes he has slept in. he wouldn't want to ruin the clean ones.

he combed through his wild hair and then made sure the curls sat well, still swooping over his forehead a little.

he then put on the clean outfit and looked at himself in the mirror.


dan thought to himself. checking the time on his phone. he was right on time as usual. he was good about that. being late gave him anxiety so he had to be perfectly on time, not even a little early either. that also gave him anxiety. a lot of things gave him anxiety but he got used to it.

he checked the time once more before grabbing his backpack from his room and headphones. since he didn't have pockets, he put his phone in his backpack's side pocket.

as he walked out the door, he turned on his music and pushed in his headphones. he could get lost in the lyrics. so carefully thought out, sang so perfectly. they spoke to him.

a/n;; chapters will be short for this book but i will make sure they are not too short. i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book, i am excited to write more.

song;; oh no! by marina and the diamonds

word count;; 524 words

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