Memory from when I was 10

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Guess who have finals tomorrow ? And guess who is writing instead of studying ? ME!!! Today I want to talk about school, but not about finals, I don't wanna think about finals now. I wanna talk about a memory. I was ten that day when nothing changed in my life but a tiny piece of knowledge. I was at school, in my classroom, sitting with my classmates and my teacher. My teacher was explaining something that I don't remember, when, suddendly, somebody ask: "Can aman become a woman and vice versa? ". As he said these words everybody cried, screamed, asked for their mom, a bomb exploded, a tsunami destroyed Mars and the sun imploded. I'm joking. Nothings of these things happened. My teacher just explained. She explained that it's possible  thanks to hormones and surgeries. But she focused on how much a transgender person feel bad in their body and how  they can feel even worse if society harasses them verbally and physically and how a trans person is often unaccepted. None of us came home that day saying they wanted to become a girl or a boy, nobody laughed or made fun of someone else. For a child it's not hard to accept transsexuality if well explained (at least it wasn't  for me). Today everybody makes jokes about it, but I'm pretty sure that if they would meet a trans person they would change their mind, because 1- They have a transgender nonbinary person with them (that is me) and they never had any problem. 2-If they would meet one, they probably wouldn't  notice that and 3- even if they would they wouldn't go away. 

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