Youve gotta be kidding me

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Ok! i have the money the fame the luxury but somewhere down that road i must've failed but that don't bother me the slightest bit. My family likes to joke on me because of my sense of individuality. Especially my twin brother he always gets our parents praises. I have never accomplished anything in life worth their recognition, so they say but i dont care.

Its not like i ever cared. so they can be petty as much as they want. Im going to my cousin g eazy house after school he is helping me in my career after all " it's my world and I do what I like to ".
At School
When I arrived at school the first thing to happen was Rachel bitch ass came over like I needed her presence around me!
every since the third grade she's been bullying me never physically but always verbally I mean Ok yeah I dress in black sometimes but that means nothing.

I just got style and all the haters obviously gonna hate so idek why I bother to care cus in the end I actually live my life like a endless dream. It's like a horror film playing in my head and I enjoy it alot actually.

When Rachel walked up to me all I could smell was lavender bubble gum body spray and wash. It made my nose burn I can't stand that cheap ass shit!!!!! Anyway she was talking all types of crazy shit! like who the hell says "hello ms. Darkness how ya crappy ass life ,I hope u live long enough to experienced it"  I mean really!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could have at least used correct grammar!!  Gosh people the days!.

I really ain't got time for dumb shit , wat I need to do is  hurry up to Mrs.Rodriguez class before it starts. As soon as I walk in she's all how u doing, and isn't it lovely in nature today. she is so annoying I mean why u so happy tho.

I can't stand literature she always like we need to do more tests in class so that we can improve our skills for our Sol tests at the end of the year. ( P.s. to all the are reading this Sol's are Standard Of Learning tests those who are From Virginia know what I mean).

We seem to have a new kid I wonder who he is but frankly I really don't care soooooooooooooo yea.

Oh brother here comes Mr.sunshine and no rainy days bitch plz bye girl take a day off so u can make my life better who knows I may even smile..........NOT!... hahahahahaa I crack myself up sometimes lol ( I crazy! )

Once she walked in the first thing the bitch said was and I quote " imma ask u guys to come to the front of the class one at a time and give some information about yourselves to the new kid Daniel Skye so it will be less awkward for him" I mean who says that! Like come on foreal!!!!!!!! Then she had the nerves to call me up first like bitch come on are u tryna get fucked up!!!!

Anyway here I go........ up to the class........walking slowly.......,.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... first of all I'd like to tell everyone to kiss my ass.( Pause wait for dramatic applause....and the crowd goes wild aughhhhhhhh!!!!!!!) Next uh I'd like to say the world is a bitch and so are u so leave me be! Thirdly I like to say I'm actually a nice person ...ok holdup pause I can't stand this no more I gotta laugh ( after nearly five hours of laughter) ok but seriously now I don't like people so stay away I am awesomer that u soooo stay away. And I think that's it anyway bye bitches I got places to be and people to see! Have fun with your lame excuses of a life!

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