le sauvage (btw french for savage)

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Aye yo so my older brother known to all as blackbear is gonna be seriously bitching about how I am arriving just now to this dumbass event look I don't fucking care ahhhah! That's his song that he released last week to his album coincidence the only difference between us is that when it comes to life people love and all that sappy ass shit is that he cares and me well I just don't soo!

I was gonna leave that daniel dumb dumb guy at the school but my jackass cousin decided to bring him I mean like really ain't nobody got time for that.!!! And then he got the nerve to agree to come I cursed under my breath I mean like damn daniel really!!!!! Lol I love that video anyway let me leave my thoughts and get the hell out this car and prepare for some lame ass lecture!!!!

Why hello Madame I see you've bring your ehh.... cousin and what appears to be a friend

Firstly my cousin is family and this is a family gathering right.secondly that fucker over there ain't my friend!!!!! thirdly forget that fake ass shit of a welcome let me in some baby bitches wanna see me for what reason. I don't know.?!!

I walked in the ballroom to see it full of elegantly dressed people sitting down it surprisingly looked...... boring!!!! Haha cliffhanger u thought I was gonna say it looked appealing!!!
Got u bitches good!!

I went over to where my mom was sitting I can't stand her but oh well let's get this over with!

Darling uhh if I should say ummm where is your uh dress I picked out for u

Mom did u really think I was gonna wear that u just wanted to embarrass me cause if u didn't know I went to my sister's rooms and they had elegant looking outfits to wear and mine was something George Washington would-be given his wife to wear it is old and ugly I hate the thing so to answer your question I threw it out just like u threw out the little bit of love and vulnerability I ever felt or ever will feel in my life.

She looked shocked after that and if my eyes weren't mistaking me I'd say she flinched when I called her mom as if she didn't love me idk. I actually do love them but it's deep down wayyy down in a pit in my heart somewhere where u won't be able to find it. I want them to feel what I feel an what I felt!!! When the family went around and greeted eachother my aunt came to me and. Asked me how was I doing. Well Mrs.bitch how do you think I'm feeling after all u were the one who asked me to get u your purse out your house that one summer and by the time i came out not even five seconds later I see u speeding down the road to the vacation spot out family had waiting for everyone to arrive and I had to stay on the porch of your house for a week because the door was locked and you were gone along with every other family member but do u know what's sad! The thing that is sad is that the only family member worried about me was g!! He called and left the vacation early to take me to his house and get me well because btw it rained that whole week cold ass rain!!! I caught pneumonia and nearly died but u would've wanted that wouldn't u!!!

At this point I was yelling and talking to everyone A waiter came by and I took a chocolate latte off the platter and spilled it over my aunt's pearly white dress I burst out laughing and started taking pictures hah I guess thats me new screen saver
See ya suckerz I'm out come on g and daniel get over here let's go.!! I can't bare to live with myself if I left u with these dumbasses good bye la puta's. See ya later!!!!

In the car
Yo T u know they gonna be furious with you when you get home right.

Yea but I don't care they ain't gonna do shit besides imma sleep at the spare house I got in these moments mainly cause I just wanna get in their nerves more thy gonna be so mad they won't wanna look at me I'm ready tho let's go!!!!

Daniel I don't know why I'm doing this but I should tell u the only reason I hate them is because they treat me like I'm not theirs even though they birth to both me and my twin brother Xander.!! They adore him but they'd rather kill me I'm the one with better grades and I've actually started my future career that's the only reason I stay savage 24/7 they wanted a monster well the hell they got em one so they can go suck a dick for all I care I ain't got no time for no bitch.

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