Chapter five: exposed

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* Hello~ here's finally a new update. Sorry, I've been busy writing on "Good boy VS bad boy", but I'm not forgetting this one hahah enjoy reading this chapter! xx *


Ⓣaehyung was sure his heart skipped a beat. He didn't mean Jungkook.

But he had to think for a second. Sure, he had Hoseok's number as they've been friends for a couple of years now, but would Hoseok be angry with him if he just gave his number away to someone he didn't give permission to?

But then again, it'd be quite amusing for Taehyung to see him frustrated and trying to scold the blond male, even though nothing Hoseok could say that actually make him frustrated himself, or sad. Hoseok was a good friend, and Taehyung knew he was never seriously actually going to hate him for real. Unless Taehyung actually crossed that line. But giving his colleague his number wasn't crossing the line, now was it?

"Sure," he muttered as he showed his friend's number on the screen of his phone, holding it still as Jimin rapidly noted it down on his own. "By the way, do you, perhaps, know Jungkook?" he asked, just in case.

"Doesn't everyone know Jeon Jungkook?" Jimin chuckled as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, flushing, trying not to expose himself that he knew Jungkook quite well, even though they shared their first words to the other just yesterday.

Jimin studied him. "Well, he's the perfect role model, isn't he? He's the perfect student that everyone adores. People look at him like he's an idol here."

"But you don't go to our school," Taehyung frowned. He understood quite well that people at their school knew who Jungkook was, but other's outside school?

His colleague's smile grew wider. "I'm homeschooled, so no. But everywhere I go, I hear someone talking about him. Especially girls our age and younger."

"Everyone looks up to him," Taehyung muttered, mostly to himself than Jimin.

"Yeah, everyone does, actually. He's perfect, you know." Taehyung stiffened, but Jimin just sighed. "But I don't like perfect. That's why I don't really like him that much. And he's definitely not my type."

Taehyung felt guilty for being relieved. He didn't want Jimin to be attracted to him as well, but if Jungkook took interest in him, then that'd mean he'd be sad if he knew Jimin's feelings.

Don't think about it; don't think about it.

The next day, Taehyung was nervous about a test they were supposed to receive from some weeks ago. It was a Math test, and the blond male was afraid he didn't do too well.

"Why are you so nervous? You never get a bad grade," Hoseok commented on the shaking being beside him in class as the teacher handed out one at a time.

"Compared to you, yes," he muttered. He didn't care if he sounded rude; Hoseok should know by now that grades meant a lot to him.

Hoseok held over his chest like he had just been shot. "Ouch!" he suddenly yelled, causing every student in the room to turn their heads in the two male's direction.

"What's the matter Jung Hoseok?" the teacher asked, worried if he was hurt.

"Taehyung just broke my heart, again, but no big deal." He made everyone laugh - everyone except from Taehyung of course.

"Shut up," he whispered to him.

Finally it was his turn to receive his test back. As the teacher laid the piece of paper on his desk, she gave him a small pat on the shoulder before moving onto the students in front of them.

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