Chapter eight: do you fancy him?

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Ⓕor the rest of the day, Jimin and Hoseok wouldn't stop teasing Taehyung about his 'little' fear from blood, whilst Jungkook held his distance, but the blond boy could tell his full attention was always on him.

Taehyung was the first one to be allowed to go as he had ended his early shift. When he packed away his apron in his reserved locker and brought his stuff out, he was ready to exit the diner.

"Good work today Taehyungie! See you tomorrow," Seokjin called after him with his stunning smile.

"Don't pass out on your way home," Namjoon teased, but quickly shut his mouth when Seokjin glared at him.

As Taehyung was already out the door, he felt someone touch his shoulder from behind, which made him jump in surprise and turn around quickly.

"So jumpy," Jungkook laughed as he tagged along in walking. "Mind if I join you on your way home?" he asked with a big smile.

"Uh, sure," he answered nervously.

"What kind of shift will you have tomorrow?"

"Late," he answered.

"On a Sunday?" he asked confused.


An awkward silence followed along as the two males walked home together. Taehyung was absolutely blank for what they could talk about, and Jungkook seemed to have the same problem as he kept on opening his mouth, but quickly shut it.

"So, uh, you have a fear of blood?" he asked.

Taehyung sighed. Did he really had to ask him that? "Uhm...yeah."

Jungkook smiled warmly. "Don't feel embarrassed. Many people are afraid of it." Taehyung still didn't reply. He was too embarrassed about everything that happened.

Firstly Taehyung was mad at him for absolute no good reason at all, then he made his colleague - and friend - bleed from his nose, and he passed out from the sight. To top it all, Jungkook was behind him as he fell and caught him. That's supposed to only happen in stories, shouldn't it? Why did he have to stand behind Taehyung at that exact moment? He would rather just fall down onto the ground and hit his head than hearing Jungkook caught him. Just thinking about it made him blush so much.

"Can I ask you something?"

Taehyung nervously nodded. "...sure."

"Does your fear have something to do with your mom?"

Taehyung was definitely not ready for this question. Did Jungkook have to know everything? "You could say that," he muttered, barely audible, but Jungkook must've realised it was a sensitive topic to Taehyung.

Although Jeon Jungkook was Taehyung crush, he still had hard time opening up. Especially when he didn't know if their friendship meant anything to Jungkook at all. To Taehyung, this meant everything. Spending time together meant everything. Sharing words meant everything. Touching meant everything.

But if this meant nothing to Jungkook, then he'd rather want him to quit talking to him at all, so he could just admire him from afar again. Telling him stuff was too difficult for the shy male.

"Do you, by any chance, fancy Jimin?" Taehyung didn't realise he actually just suddenly asked this before Jungkook started giggling at him. He must realise I like him by now, he thought, it's not something just a normal friend would ask.

"Do you mean, seriously liking him?" he asked, but he seemed like he was slightly blushing anyways.

"Yeah," was all Taehyung could answer.

"You do realise Jimin's a boy? Like us?" he smiled. "I'm not gay you know. I like his hair, so that's why I wanted to talk to him, but I don't fancy him in that way. Plus, I fancy a girl in my class."

Taehyung regretted immediately that he asked. Hearing Jungkook clarify he was straight wasn't to Taehyung's surprise, but he definitely didn't want to actually hear it. And he fancied a girl? In his class? It'd only be a matter of time before they'd become a couple, and Taehyung certainly did not have the strength to keep up with a fake smile just to not be suspected. Being around Jungkook would just hurt him even more.

I need to escape before I break down. "Jungkook, I'm really tired. I just want to get home quickly and rest to be honest," he explained, trying to escape from him as quickly as possible so he couldn't ask him any more questions. And, of course, also before Taehyung would change his mind.

"You mean you don't want to walk together? It's in the same direction though?"

How will I get out of this? Taehyung thought to himself. Will he hate me for this? "It's just...I'd like to be alone right now."

Jungkook's expression was like Taehyung just punched him in the face, completely struck. "Oh," was all he replied with, and then just started walking incredibly fast, or more like running, so he'd walk ahead of Taehyung.

He didn't say anything at all, and it made Taehyung feel even worse. But right at this moment, he needed time for himself. He didn't want Jungkook to see him cry; he'd only question him, or worse, realise why he was crying.

Taehyung knew he wouldn't reach his home. He had to get off the street and hide. He could barely hold it in anymore.

He quickly started running off the road and towards the trees that was on the side. He managed to get between some of them to block himself from sight completely.

That's when the tears he struggled to keep inside flowed down his cheeks. He tried not to cry out loud, in case anyone who passed would hear him. The last thing he wanted was a stranger, or someone he knew, to find him crying in secret.

It was hard to hold his sniffing back as well. At least he tried to be quiet, but every time he heard footsteps, he froze; and when they disappeared, he cried even more than before.

Every possible thing popped into his head, and he cried harder because of them. But mainly it was about Jeon Jungkook.

His first crush. His first love. His first serious feelings for another person outside his family. Someone he didn't actually know too well, but still he managed to make his heart flutter. Just why exactly did Taehyung like him? All he knew was that he was a top student, nice to everyone, he's trying to impress his parents... But what more to it was there? Why did he like him?

Why was Kim Taehyung in love with Jeon Jungkook?

He has everything I wished I had.

Taehyung didn't want to be this shy little brat. He didn't want to have a hard time opening to his friends. He didn't want to be a chicken when it came to the person he liked.

But he was different from Jungkook. He was too different. But that's why he was in love with him. Opposites attracts they say, he had told himself when he first had a hard time admitting to himself his feelings for the top student.

Taehyung cursed himself for not being able to stop crying. He had to get home now. He was hungry. But he couldn't start walking yet. His tears just wouldn't stop forcing themselves out.

"Taehyungie?" a voice appeared from behind the trees, and only a head was visible for Taehyung's eye reach.



* Heey who do you think is the person who appeared?

Also, I'm sorry for the short and shitty chapter, but I promise next will be more exciting and longer .xx *

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