Chapter 6

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PIC OF JAMES (random dude I found on google)----------------------------------------->


Trinity POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to tapping on my window. I got out of bed carefully, trying not to wake up Andy. When I reached my window and pulled the covers, no one was there. I looked around trying to see anyone, but I didn't. When I looked down I saw a dozen of white and red rose. When I picked them up a note fell out from the flowers. When I opened it, it read:

Dear my love,

I decided to forgive you about the little missunderstanding we had before. If you leave that guy then I am more than willing to get back together with you. I love you my dear and I'll be waiting for you to realize that I'm better than that scum.

Love, James<3

I groaned as I got the flowers and the note and threw them out the window. "What's wrong?" I heard Andy asked. "Nothing. Go to sleep. I'll tell you tomorrow" I said as I got back to bed. "Fine" he said then went back to sleep. I followed along and went back to sleep.

Then next time I woke up was to banging to my door. "What?" I asked. "Go tell ex-lover boy to go away so we can sleep" I heard Serenity say. I groaned as I got out of bed. "Where are you going?" Andy asked. "To go settle a dweeb" I said as I walked out of the room.

When I reached downstairs, I heard banging on the door. "What do you want?" I demanded as I opened the door. "I want you my love. Why did you throw these back out? Don't you want to get back together?" James asked. "No I don't and never will, so go home James" I said as I tried to close the door. Again tried. The dweeb put his foot in the doorway to stop the door from closing. "James move your foot I'm not in the mood for this" I begged. "Fine, but I'll be back later" he said as he finally left. "Did he leave?" Serenity shouted. "Yeah" I shouted back. "Thank god" she shouted.

I went back to my room to see Andy putting his shirt on. "How'd it go?" he asked me. "Fine" I said as I got back in bed. "That's good" he said. "But..." I said knowing he had to say something else. "I have to go. I have to go out again. But I can't take you this time because, we ain't coming back till late and you have school tomorrow." he said. "Do you have to? Oh wait don't answer that. Fine, but you have to come see me when you come back if you have time ok?" I asked. "Got it" he said giving me a kiss and then left.

I spent the rest of the day with Serenity and Danny watching movies. When night time came by I so was not ready to go to bed.

"I don't wanna go to school" I whined. "None of us do, sweetheart. No one wants to go to school and listen to all those so called 'teachers' blabber all day" Serenity said. "Hey at least they have decent food and feed us" Danny said. "True" we agreed. "Alrighty then. To bed we go" I said, but none of us made a move to go. We ended up crashing on the couch and was almost late the next day.

"Geez Serenity you take forever to get ready" I said once we reached school. "Says the girl that was last out the door" she said. "Whatever lets just go. The bell already rang" Danny said as he dragged us to class. The only good thing about school is that we have the same schedule. The good thing about that is that if we don't wanna walk there we make Danny carry us there. I swear this boy is so stronger that he can carry us both. Oh well I ain't complaining, shoot, I don't have to walk.

We barely made it into class as the bell rang. "Triplets, how many times must I tell you guys to be here on time" The teacher said. "Sorry" we said as we walked to our seats. Yes our teacher call us triplets along with the whole school. Everyone knows how hard it is to seperate is. Someone actually tried by telling a little lie and lets just say that didn't end well. Danny ended up putting the poor kid in the hospital. Don't ask what he did.

School went by slow and painful. The only time I had fun was when we were in drama. I love acting, as Serenity helps with costume, and Danny helping with the stage since he's tall and strong. Anyway we were learning our parts for the new play Beauty and the Beast. I got the role as Bell. YAY! While some kid name Luke got the role as the Beast. I wasn't complaining much since he's cute and not annoying.

I just hope Andy will be free on that day to come and see me. I mean what wouldn't be so great then to have your boyfriend come see you in act. Correction your famous boyfriend. Damn. There are a lot of rockers at my school and I'm sure they're bound to notice him. I just hope they don't notice him. I don't want my boyfriend to be pratically chased out of the theater. Speak of the devil as I felt my phone vibrate.

"Hello" I answered. "Hey babe. Where are you?" he asked. "At school" I said like it was obvious. "Oh, yeah sorry. Wait if your in school why did you answer?" he asked. "Cause I'm in drama and we are kinda free as we gotta memerize our lines and prep the stage" I told him. "Cool What are you guys doing?" he asked. "Beauty and the Beast. I'm playing as Bell" I said proudly. "Wow, thats great congrats." he told me. "Thanks. Yeah this is suppose to be important since spoters are going to be here" I said. "Wow that is important. Well I'll go so you can practice and get really really good. I just wanted to call and tell you that I'm back" he told me. "Ok then. I'll see you when I'm out ok?" I said. "Got it" he said then hung up.

When I got home I immediately called Andy to let him know I was home. He came over and we ordered pizza as me and him watched a movie but then Serenity and Danny decided to join it. They just called it an indoor double date. I just accepted it and continued watching the moive and that was how we spoent the rest of the night.


i know it wasnt all that long but i just couldnt think of anything to write in this one. im actually thinking about making this one short but i dont know for sure. tell me what you guys think and ill try to do what i can do. also i noticed that most of you guys are reading this story and if its not to much to ask for if you guys can read my other stories and tell me what you think about it. anyway i hoped you liked it. comment vote and fan!! :D

OMFG!!! Is that Andy Sixx&lt;333Where stories live. Discover now