Chapter 16

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Andy POV

Is this for real?!

Ok so I came over to Trin's house to try and talk to her. She finally gets home but on the back of some guys bike!! I understand that we are fighting right now, but I was kinda hoping that I could work something out with her. Instead it looks like as if she is ready to replace me!

"Who's that?" I asked her glaring at the guy behind her. "Woah hey your Andy Sixx" the guy said looking at me with a surprised look. No I'm a fucking unicorn! I just ignored him and looked at Trinity. She looked like she wants to be anywhere but here. "This is Cameron. He goes to my school" she said looking at her shoes. "School?" I asked confused. "Yeah I'm starting to do modeling" she explained. "Modeling?" I mumbled. "Yeah so later" she said grabbing Connor's hand and start to walk inside. "Wait Trin" I said following her to the house but then she slammed the door in my face. I swear I never had the urge to cry than I do right now.

Trin's POV

"Trin please open the door" I heard Andy ask like the 20th time at the door. Each time my heart would break at how sad he sounded at each knock. "So you know Andy?" Cameron asked excited. "Yeah" I sighed sitting down in the living room. "What happened? You don't sound very happy. I know I would be happy if he knew me" he said. "Yeah well I don't think he likes you very much" I groaned. "Why?" He asked confused.

"We use to go out" I huffed. "Wow what happened?" He asked. "He cheated on me when he was out on a tour. My ex showed me a picture of Andy and a girl kissing on twitter" I said. "Your ex?" He asked. "Yeah" I replied. Can I see it?" He asked. "Sure" I said confused and went up to my room.

I turned on the computer and logged into my twitter. "There you go" I said standing up and showing him the picture. He sat down and looked at the picture carefully. "Did he ever try to explain himself?" He asked looking at the picture. "No. Though I can't say he tried. I swear the day after that picture got posted he won't stop leaving me alone" I huffed sitting on my bed. "I think you should try to listen to him" he said. "WHAT!!" I shouted standing up. "I think your little boyfriend was drunk sweetheart" he said turning around to me. "Are you crazy?" I asked. "Come here" he said. I walked over to him and looked at the screen.

"First of all, if you look in the background you can see the whole band in the background looking shocked as hell. Second, this kiss looks really really sloppy. Third, this guy is really famous. Do you really think he would still be at your door trying to see you when there are millions of other girls wanting to get with him?" He asked. I stood there looking at him shocked and speechless. "Yeah? Well haven't you heard that drunks are more honest when they are drunk" I snapped crossing my arms. "I think you should try and listen to him" he said standing up. "But I don't wanna talk to him" I mumbled. "Why not?" He asked.

"I mean what if he only wants to talk to me to break up with me. Or that he actually slept with that girl and she's prego and now he has to leave me. Or or that he decided that she is better looking and doesn't want me anymore. Or or or..." I panicked trying to think of something else. "Trinity stop already. I don't think he's here to tell you any of those things." Cameron said. "But what if he is!" I cried. "That's why you have to listen to him" he said. I only nodded my head. "Good. Now I have to go and pick up my lover" he winked. "You have a girlfriend?" I gasped. "Nope" he laughed. I looked at him confused as we walked out of my room and then it clicked. "Oooooh" I said. He just laughed shaking his head and walked to the door. When he opened the door we saw Andy sitting there on the porch asleep.

"What time is it?" I gasped. "About 5. The guys energy is probably starting to fade" he said looking at Andy. I sighed and walked into the living room and grabbed a blanket that I left on there. I walked back outside and covered him with the blanket. "I know your still in love with him" Cameron said. "That's because I am" I sighed softly moving his hair out of his face. "Then why won't you talk to the boy?" He asked. "It's just that it really hurt me and I just need time for right now" I said softly caressing his cheek and then stood up. "Fair enough. I'll see ya later munchkin" he said ruffling my hair and then walked over to his bike and then left. I walked back over to my porch and sat down next to Andy. "What am I going to do with you?" I sighed. I grabbed my phone and called Jake.

"Trinity!!" Jake screamed into the phone. "Hey Jake" I laughed. "Is that Trinity!! Let me talk to her!! No me!! I miss you Trinity!! I want my munchkin!! Shorty!! Cookie!! TRINITY!!!" I heard the guys yelling in the background. "Shut up!!" Jake yelled. I just sat there giggling. "Sorry bout that. What's up?" He asked. "Andy is asleep on my porch can you come and get him before he gets sick?" I asked. "So you do care about him" he said. "Just get him will ya" I sighed. "Sure thing I'm on my way" he said. As soon as I hung up I felt something fall on my lap. I looked down to see that Andy decided to move and lay his head on my lap.

I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair and waited for Jake to get here.

After a couple of minutes I saw a car pull up in front of my car. Jake and Christian stepped out of the car and smirked when they saw us. "Shut up and just get your friend" I sighed. They only chuckled, got him and put him in the back seat. Next thing I knew I was engulfed in a crushing hug. "We miss you" Ashley mumbled into my hair. "I'm sorry" I said hugging him back. "We all do Trin" Jinxx said pulling me away and giving me another crushing hug. "I know" I sighed hugging him also. "Are you ever going to give this big baby a chance again?" Ashley asked. "Yeah because it's annoying looking at him cry, whine, and mope around the hotel" Jinxx said. "I don't know guys just give me time" I told them. They nodded their head, gave me another crushing hug and then took off.

I sighed again and walked into the house to my room. I layed down on my bed thinking about how I'm going to do this. It seems that I might not follow through with this stupid plan of mine. If what Cameron said is true then maybe I should try and listen to him. The only problem is that I don't know when my heart will be able to stand to listen to it. I decided to deal with this tomorrow and fell asleep.

Andy POV

"Ok you cry baby. You an wake up now" Jake said. "I don't know what you are talking about. Leave me alone" I whined cuddling into the blanket that smelled like Trinity. "Ok you can fool Trinity but we both know when the other is fake sleeping" Christian said. "I suppose" I shrugged.

"Ok well I think you should give Trinity some time and then I'm sure that she will listen to you" Jake said. "I know" I said. "Oh really? Because whenever I tell you this your still going out to see her the next day." Jake said. "Well from what I heard I think I'm going to do that" I said. "Whatever just give the girl time" he said. I nodded my head and thought of what her and the guy Chase, I think, were talking about. Now I know for sure that I will be getting my girl back. I'm also glad that she didn't think it was weird when I laid my head on her lap. That was probably the best part of my life during these times she was ignoring me. I'm going to remember every touch from her until she finally lets me talk to her again.

Patience is what I need as I don't have any of it. I just hope she lets me talk to her again and hopefully it will be soon.

OMFG!!! Is that Andy Sixx<333Where stories live. Discover now