Chapter 14

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Andy POV

When I woke up the next morning I had by far the worst hang over ever. I let out a groan and slowly got out if bed which I came to reject. As soon as I got up the whole room started to spin and I almost fell down onto my face.

I quickly went into the bathroom and threw up all oh last night. I mean really what did I drink last night. When I finished I jumped into the shower real quick. When I got out I quickly got dressed and walked out to see an empty living room.

That's weird the guys are always in my room.

I shrugged it off and made myself something to eat. When I finished that I went into my room and grabbed my phone ready to call my baby girl.

I called her cell, but she didn't answer. I got worried then because she always answers her phone. I called a couple more times but got nothing. I then called her house and let out a breath of relief when I heard her answer the phone.

"Hello" Trin giggled. "Hey baby" I said happily. "Andy?" she asked. "Yeah. Listen in sorry that I haven't been-" I got cut off hearing a beep. I looked at my screen. Did she just hang up? I called again, but nobody answered. What the hellos going on?

After the fifth time they finally answered the phone. "Trin?" I asked. "Listen hear you fag you-" I wasn't able to hear the rest if Serenity as I heard shuffling on the other side if the phone. Seriously what the hell is going on? "Hey Andy" I heard Danny answer. "Hey. What is going on?" I asked. "Listen don't act like you don't know. Ok? Just leave Trin alone. I don't want you calling or trying to get in contact with her anymore got it?" he said. Before I could even answer he already hung up.


I let out a breath of frustration and stood up when I heard the door open. "Hey guys" I greeted as I say the guys walk in. They simply walked past me and then sat on the couch ignoring me. "What's up with everyone? Seriously first Trin and now you guys" I said annoyed. I mean what did I do.

"You called trin?" Jake asked. "Yeah" I answered. "What did she say?" Jinxx asked. "Nothing. She hung up on me" I sighed. The next thing I know I feel a sharp pain on my right cheek. "What the hell was that for?!" I shouted holding my cheek, glaring at Christian. "For Trin" she said shrugging. "Seriously what the hell happened? What did I do?" I asked highly annoyed now. "Why don't you check your twitter?" Ashley asked also annoyed. I looked at them and they all look annoyed and mad. I looked at them suspiciously and then went to my room to get my laptop.

When I turned it on I let out a sigh when I saw a pic of Trin as my background. I let out another sigh and opened the Internet and got into my twitter account.

When I logged on I let out a whole bucket if curses. "What the hell is this?" I asked running into the living room with my laptop looking horrified. "I don't know you tell us" Christian said glaring at me. "How could you do that to her man?" Jake asked looking angrier. "I swear I don't even remember this. I mean I only had two drinks I couldn't have been that drunk easily" I said. "What did you drink?" Jinxx asked. "I only had a beer n then one shot from that girl" I told them.

"That's big enough to get drunk on" Ashley said looking less mad. "That's true" jake said. I saw them all get less angry and instead look more confused. "And you don't remember any if this?" Christian asked. I shook my head no. "Hmm only one way to find out for sure" Ashley said standing up.

After a trip to the liquor store, I sat at the table and the other guys on the other side with the drinks in front of them. "Ok here is one beer and one shot of tequila" jake said passing me the drinks. I quickly drank them both and looked at them. "Ok now for the test" Christian said. "Solve these problems" Ashley said giving me a paper with math problems. I finished that quickly and waited until they looked at it. "Passed" he said. "Say your alphabets" Jinxx said. I said my alphabets. "Passed" Jinxx said. "Ok now the ultimate test to check a drunkard. Walk in a straight line" Christian said. I stood up and walked in a straight line. "Passed!! So what the hell happened?" He asked. "That's what I've been asking!" I said frustrated.

"Maybe you got drugged. Maybe the last time that happened to jake" Ashley said. We all looked at each other and then ran out of the room to the car. When we got in the car we made a beeline for the closest hospital. When we made it we quickly walked in and went to the reception area.

"Hi how can I help you?" The reception said flirty. Though honestly I'm done with girls unless they're my baby girl. "Our friend think he has been drugged and need a test" Jinxx said. "Ok then I need you guys to fill out this paper and then bring it to me and the doctor will call you up" she said handing me the clip board and winked at me. "Not interested" I said bluntly and walked away to fill out the paper. When I finished with the papers and turned them in, a nurse came out calling my name. Me and the guys all ran after the nurse into the back.

"Ok which one if you are Andrew biersack?" She asked looking Arthur chart and then back at us. All the guys pointed at me. "Ok then I'm going to need to check your height, weight, temp, and blood pressure to make sure that everything is ok" she said. "Ok" I replied following her.

After when we finished, she led us to a room saying that the doctor will be with us in a bit. We all sat there in a very tense silence as we waited for the doctor. After what felt like a century the doctor finally came in. "Hello boys which one of you guys are andrew?" He asked washing his hands. "Me" I answered.

"Ok and your hear to be tested for being drugged?" He asked. "Yes" I answered. "Ok well I'm going to need you to pee in this cup and we should be able to test it" he said handing me a cup. "How long will it take to get the results?" I asked. "Just a couple if minutes" he said. I nodded and then left the room to the bathroom.

When I finished, I left to the bathroom and into the waiting room. I gave the doctor the cup and then he left saying that he will be back in a couple if minutes. That left us in a very tense silence again. I'm getting tired of all of these tense silence, but I just don't know what to say an I'm sure they don't know either.

After another century wait the doctor finally came back in. "What is it?" We all asked standing up. Normally I would have laughed, but I don't think right now is a laughing time. "We'll your results came back positive" he said. "Told you guys" Jinxx said.

"What was it?" I asked. "It was a drug called ketamine. It's a drug that can make you drowsy and forgetful. It's normally used as a date rape drug" he explained. "You weren't raped right?" Jake asked. "No! Other wise I'm sure she would have still been there" I said rolling my eyes. "You don't know that it could have been a rape and she ran" Ashley said. "Yeah but when it happened to me they always stood in the room" jake said. "That's true. So I guess she just wanted a one night fame" Christian said. "It seems so. Is it ok if I get a copy if that?" I asked. "Yeah sure. I'll be right back" he said leaving. "Why so you want a copy?" Jinxx asked. "So I can show it to Trin so she will have to believe me I mean she can't run away when u got solid proof" I told them. "That's true but the hard part is getting her to look at it. That girl is a stubborn one" jake pointed out. "Damn I didn't think that far" I said letting out a groan. "Normally I love her stubbornness, but right now it's going to be a pain in the ass" I groaned running a hand down my face. "Here you go" the doctor said handing me the paper. "Thanks" I said getting the paper. "Have a nice day" he said walking out. "Yeah you too" I said waking out also.

"What are you going to do?" Ashley asked. "I don't know, but what I do know for sure is that I need to go back and I need to go back now" I said walking out of the clinic and to the car. "We are right behind you buddy" jake said. "Yeah and plus this concert can wait. We gave a damn good show at the last couple if concerts" Christian said proudly and we all agreed to that.

"Thanks you guys" I said thankful that I got the best friend and band ever. Now the only little problem is trying to leave without mike knowing. "Don't worry we can take care of mike" Ashley said. "Thanks you guys" I said letting out a breath of relief. "We ain't the best for nothing you know" Christian said smirking. I simply rolled my eyes not even saying anything, cause I know that it's actually true that they are awesome like that.

Now the only big problem is trying to get my stubborn girl to actually listen to me. I only hope that she will listen to me first and not send the hell dogs on me. This is going to be a little harder than I thought it would be.

OMFG!!! Is that Andy Sixx<333Where stories live. Discover now