Chapter 13

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ok so i realized that i keep messing up w/ dannys name so im going to try n watch it. i aint gonna go n fix it cuz im to lazy to look for it lol anyway sorry bout that n hope you enjoy this chap c:.

Trinity POV

When I woke up the next morning I felt like shit honestly. I mean I have been so use to Andy being here next to me whenever I go to bed. Then with him not here in the morning I feel even worse. The even worse part is that I still have that nasty feeling that something bad is going to happen.

I've had this feeling for 2 weeks and that is how long Andy has been gone. I swear I have been wanting to fly over to him hoping that this feeling would go away already.

"Trin!! Get your fat ass up already!!" I heard Serenity yell out. I sighed and yelled back that I'm already awake. I swear that woman never lets me sleep. one of these days when she sleeping I'm going to go and scream in her ear.

With a sigh, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that I went to my closet to get dressed. Then my next destination was to the kitchen to feed myself. Though when I got downstairs I was scared for my life.

Serenity was in the kitchen putting waffles onto a plate. The scary part was that the kitchen wasn't burning down.

"Why do I feel like as if those things are fake or bought?" I whispered to Danny. Serenity's head snapped up to glare at me. "Shut up" she said sticking out her tongue. "I don't know but I'm behind you on this. For the first time ever I'm actually scared for my life with this" Danny whispered back. Serenity gasped and glared at him. "You'll get use to it. I've always been scared for my life if this woman is included in it" I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You guys do realize that I could hear you guys right?" she asked still glaring. "Yeah" we both said. "And that I'm the one with the food right?" she asked. We both nodded. "And if you guys don't shut up then I'm not feeding you guys" she said with a smirk. We both looked at each other, looked at her, and then to the plate of suspicous waffles.

"So how did you sleep Danny?" I asked kinda loudly. "Great what about you?" he asked. "Fantastic thank you" I replied.

"You guys are unbelievable" she said placing the plate in front of us and then sat in front of us. "Ok Danny your a man you first" I said tapping his shoulder as I poked the suspicous object with my fork. "No I'm a gentlemen so ladys first" he said poking it also. "Oh just eat it already!!" she snapped.

We both got a piece and looked at each other. We nodded and then took a piece. "Not bad" he said. "It's edible" I shrugged. "Geez I told you guys" she said. "Oh and I have to tell you guys something" she said getting up.

"I knew it!!" I shouted. "Oh hush" she said placing orange juice in front of us. "What is it?" Danny asked. "I'm pregnant" she said.

I spit out my juice and Danny started to choke on his food. "Stay alive you can't leave me alone with a prego Seren. What if the kid comes out like her!? Then I'm really goint to die" I said paniclly pating his back harshly. "Hey!!" I heard her shout.

"Are you serious?" he asked. She only blushed and nodded her head. "Damn that's going to be a lil hard but I'm happy for you babe" he said getting up giving her a hug. "I guess I'll accept this, but only if you make me the godmother" I said glaring at her.

"I thought you were scared of it?" she teased. "Yeah well I've already had practice with you so I'm sure I can take care of that lil rascal" I shrugged. "Whatever! Now get your ass over here and give me a hug" she demanded while a huge smile took over her face.

"I guess" I sighed dramatically standing up and giving her a hug. "I really am happy for you guys" I said pulling away and looked at her. "Thanks Trin I don't know what I would do if you weren't" she said. "What about me?" Danny asked. "What about you? It's all about me" I said placing a hand on my hip. "Excuse me but its about me!" Serenity said placing her hands on her hip. "I guess I can share the spot light momentarily" I sighed.

She stuck out her tongue at me. "We should go to the movies" Serenity said. "I guess I mean it ain't like I got anything better to do" I sighed. "Oh hush I'm sure lover boy will come back soon" she said. "Not soon enough" I whined.

Serenity rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand dragging me out the door. "You are going to get in that car and come with us to the movies and not complain about lover boy got it?" Serenity said sternly. "Fine" I huffed crossing my arms. "Good" she said satisfied.

When we got to the theater we decided to watch Paranormal Activity 4.

"It wasn't even scary" I said disappointed. "That shit was terrifying" Serenity cried. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of them.

"Babe!" someone shouted. I was about to get all excited until I turned around and saw the lamest thing ever.

"What do you want James? and didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" I said placing my hands on my hip. "Yeah but I thought that since you guys aren't together anymore that you were available for me again" he said happily. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I thought you two broke up?" he asked confused. "Why would you think that?" I scoffed. "You don't know do you?" he asked smirking. "Again what are you talking about?" I snapped. "Feisty that's what I love about you" he sighed dreamily. I rolled me eyes trying not to slap the heck out of this guy.

"James just tell me what you're talking about" I sighed. "Sure thing sweetie" he said pulling out his phone. "Ok before I show you, you have to promise to give me a kiss" he said. "Yeah yeah now show me" I demanded. "Ok" he said slowly handing me his phone.

When I grabbed his phone I quickly looked at the screen and a gasp left my mouth. "What is- That FUCKER!!" Serenity shouted. I threw James his phone back and ran away as fast as I could as tears ran down my face. I heard them yelling out for me but I didn't even bother stopping and kept running until I reached my house, and I live damn far. I should join the track team.

When I got into my room I started to bawl as pictures from James phone popped into my head. it was Andy's twitter profile of him and some other girl kissing!!! I knew something bad was going to happen!!! I knew it!!!

But I mean why would he do that? HOW could he do that? I mean I thought our relationship was going great. I wasn't really a demanding girlfriend. I wasn't clingy. what could I have done wrong for him to do that?

I got no sleep that night and ignored Serenity and Danny when they tried to get me out of the room. I honestly didn't want to go out right now and face reality. all I could think about was Andy.

I stayed in my room not leaving it for a couple of days. I know I was worrying them but I just couldn't bring myself to walk out of this room. then I realized that this worrying isn't good for Serenity and the baby.

So I decided to finally come out to lessen her worry and because I got a plan.

when I walked down the stairs, Serenity and Danny both snapped up to look at me. I saw the worry on their face and wanted to assure them that I was fine. "How are you feeling?" Serenity asked. "Great actually thank you" I said giving them a smile. They looked at each other and then looked at me suspiciously. "Why do u have a feeling something bad is going to happen?" Danny asked.

"Because something is and that boy is going to wish he never came back" I said with a smirk.

OMFG!!! Is that Andy Sixx<333Where stories live. Discover now