Chapter 23: The Trip home

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Lucy Pov.

We were on the train. Levy and I were laughing at Gajeel and Natsu. They both looked like they were about to die. I was happy that Blizzard gave me an enchanted bracelet. The bracelet mad it were I can ride on anything like I used to with out getting motion sickness. Maybe I should ask him to make two more for these two but then again I wouldn't be amused when riding the train. "Hey Lu-chan can you come with me get some snacks, please?" Levy asked me. When I looked at she mouth I need to tell you something. So I nodded and gotten up. We both said "We be back." Both guys just nodded. Both exceed were sleeping so I left Sweet with them. We walked to part of the train that sells food. "What's wrong Levy-chan?" I asked. She turned to me with a huge grin. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Lu-chan. I'm pregnant." I blink. Then blinked and blinked on last time.

Levy Pov.

I watched Lucy eyes go wide and she kept blinking then she grinned. She hugged me tightly. "Congratulations. Does Gajeel know's?" She asked. I sighed and answered "Not yet. I'm planning on telling him tonight. I'm kinda scared to tell him." I looked at Lucy face all I could see was warm and love. I smiled and thought 'There our light in action.' "Levy-chan I know he will be thrilled and if he doesn't just come to me and I'll go give him an beating he will never forget." She informed me. I couldn't help myself. I jumped on Lucy and gave her a bear hug. She returned the hug happily. I saw her smile at me.

Gajeel Pov.

After the girls left me and Natsu were still trying not to throw up on the train. I saw salamander was sticking his head out puking his head off. I groaned and ran to the window and did the samething. After I finished puking. Wait. Why wasn't bunny girl not feeling motion sickness. All dragon slayers unless your a healer get motion sickness. I ask later I rather not do anything to make my sickness worse. I saw Pantherlily sleeping and Sweet was as well.

Natsu Pov.

I was hanging out the window when we arrived back. I bolted out the train and started kissing the ground. I saw Gajeel stumble off. I shot me a laugh that I was basically worshiping the ground. I was going to yell when the girls came out carrying the exceed. I saw Lucy's smiling brightly at Levy when they were talking about. I really didn't care. I was to busy looking at Lucy. I didn't notice Happy, Wendy, and Carla heading our way. I did notice when Happy tackle me down. Happy to see me. I grinned and hugged him back. "Natsu are you okay?" Wendy asked I grin and said "Of course!" She sighed in relief.

Lucy Pov.

I smiled when I saw them. I walked over to them. I gave them a bright smile. We started chit chatting about random stuff as we all walked towards the guild. I saw Levy drag Gajeel the opposite way. I mouth good luck to her and she nodded and left our group. I actually didn't notice that everyone was gone except Natsu and Sweet that was sleeping in my arms. I looked around and asked "Where everyone else gone off to?" Natsu chuckled at me and answer "They said they going to stop by a store to grab something." I nodded my head.

Natsu Pov.

I couldn't help but let a small chuckle out. I warped my arm around Luce. "Luce this has been an awesome mission." I told her. I watch her grin and said "It was awesome. I'm glad that my first mission back went so well." I couldn't agree more. I smiled and grabbed on of her arm and started to run. I heard her laugh while she ran with me. We made it to the guild in record time. I kicked open the door and yelled "We are home!!!" We were welcomed home by everyone that was in there. I saw Gray sitting in his boxers. I haven't had I fight with him for a while. "Hey icicle where's your clothes!" I yelled. "What was that fire breath." He shouted back.

Mira Pov.

I couldn't help but grin. This hadn't happened for four years. I watched them fight and got everyone involved. I saw Lucy heading my way. I smiles and said "The usually?" "Actually no. Can I have ice strawberry cream soda." She said. I nodded and gotten to work. I was confused on why she wanted a drink that Gray would have ordered. I gave it to her and said "Be careful it's cold." She grinned and started drinking it like she did with her strawberry shake. I shrugged it off and I went back to work. I saw Pantherlily looking at Sweet. Sweet was sleeping in Lucy lap. I grinned evily and thought 'A new ship.'

(A/n)- whoop another chapter done. Alright. I guess what ever got most voted on so far will have to do. Cause I'm scared to stop and loose my motivation. So I hope you enjoy

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