Chapter 15: Let's Do a Job Togather

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Levy Pov.

"Lu-chan! Let's go on a Job to gather." I yelled. She looked at me and said "Let's Do it.". We both went to the board and looked. "How about this one." said Lucy. I grabbed it and looked at it.

Job: I need someone or a group of wizards to find me three types of flowers.

One flower is called fire wings

of love. I need thirty of them.

Second one is called iron love. I

Need twenty of them.

Third one is air of love. I need

ten of them.

Warning: Each flower has

Powers to protect it self.

Come by my house I give you the maps for them.

Reward:600,000,000 jewels.

"It's perfect and we can ask Natsu and Gajeel to come with us." I said.

Lucy Pov.

I just smiled with levy and nodded. We both went are separate ways to find are favorite Dragon slayer. "Natsu let's go on a Job." I asked him. He looked up at me and grinned and said "Sure it will be just you and me because everyone else is busy." "No it will be 6 of us because of Sweet, Levy, Gajeel, Pantherlily, and us." I said happily. He just grinned and said "Then let's go." We met up with levy and we all left to go to true love mountain.

(A/n)- Hey guys sorry it took so long to update. I had my electronic get spoken away for stupid a reason. Also it's short as well but I'm have a plan with the job. So chapter 16 will be little bit shorter then usual. So you see why in that chapter. So bye you guys next chapter should be up in October 5 or 6 or sooner.

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