18. DC

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The walk back to our rooms was filled with silence, but no awkwardness. Like many teenagers, I was not a fan of awkward situations. Spot and I have had many opportunities to have them, but for some reason, they never came across as awkward.

"Night," He said simply.


And that was it. I thought nothing more of it, but got into bed and fell asleep at the turn of the lights.


"Come on girls, you can help me wake up the boys." Ms. Denton says. I grin at Sarah, nodding.

First, we snuck into David, Skittery and Mush's room.

Sarah held her finger to her lips, then stuck it in her mouth, then into David's ear. He woke up at an instant, face laced with disgust.


Skittery practically fell out of the bed, and Mush just laughed really hard.

"Aw, you guys are no fun." Sarah pouted. "Let's go wake the beast,"

I rolled my eyes, softly laughing at her. Mrs. Denton gave us the key to Spot, Jack, and Race's room. We opened their door very softly to reveal piles of clothes.

"Shocking," I whispered.

"I got Jackie," Sarah said.

"Okay, 1....2...."

"AAAHHHH!" Sarah jumped on top of Jack like a child.

I ripped the covers back on Spot and Race at the same time. Unfortunately to me, let's just say pajamas were minimal.

"AAH!" Now it was my turn to scream.

"Enjoy the view?" Spot said so groggily you could barely hear the sarcasm. "What time is it?"

"7:27," Sarah smirked. "If you want to join the rest of us for breakfast in the lobby, I suggest you do so soon,"

"Bus leaves at 8," I add.

I ignored a very rude finger from Spot and Race and followed Sarah outside.

"It's a wonder how they play sports with their level of laziness," I sigh.

"I know, what are those coaches thinking?"

We laughed and went down to the lobby.


At ten til, the three formerly half-naked boys were grabbing an assortment of cereal and bacon.

"Finally! Eat quickly, I must go see check the itinerary with our driver," Mrs. Denton says.

"So, my apologies for you to have to see...that much," Spot grinned.

"Not to worry, Spot, all I saw was the picnic blanket covering it," I gave a sarcastic smile.

"Would you rather see me in heart boxers?"

"I'd rather see you with many, many layers on." I walked back to where Sarah was sitting.

"Jack barely kissed me good morning," She said. "Do you think he's seeing someone else?!"

"Sarah, I don't know Jack extremely well, but I don't think he's the kind of person that would do that,"

"Then what is it? What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you, Sarah! You're smart, you're fun, not to mention gorgeous," I say. She smiles. "Any guy would be stupid to not want you,"

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