39. Mending

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The next day, Alice was pacing in her dorm. 

"I don't know why you agreed to this," 

"Honestly, me either." 

"Then don't." 

"I said I would,"

"And Spot said he loved you," Sarah joked. 

Alice squinted. "No he didn't." 

"I was kidding," 

"No you weren't ."


"Did he say that?" Alice scoffed. 

"No, but I mean everyone assumed. You're the first girl Spot's ever actually cared about," 

Alice sighed. 

Alice: hey

"Who are you texting?" Sarah rose an eyebrow. 

"Three guesses." 

"Are you texting him?" 

"You're so smart," 

"So you're gonna talk?" Sarah said. 

"That is what I agreed to," 

Spot: hey

Alice: what are you doing 

Spot: playing xbox with race

Alice: nice

Spot: why do you ask 

Alice: I think we should talk 

Spot: Okay

Alice: Okay

Spot: meet me at the cafe at 7 

Alice: Okay

"Well, I'm meeting him at 7," 

"How do you think it's going to go?"

"No idea." 

"Well, what's the worst that can happen?" 


The next couple of hours dragged as Alice mentally prepared herself to speak with Spot. She had no idea what she was even going to say. 

What if he begged for her back?

Or worse, what if he acted like he didn't even care?

It was finally quarter til 7, and Alice slipped on her shoes. She took a deep breath, and sighed. Well, here goes nothing. 

She left the dorm, walking toward the cafe. There weren't many students out, on account of it being so late in the day. 

She walked into the cafe, the bell on the door ringing aloud. She spotted him sitting where they usually would go sit, and she already felt herself getting upset. She took another deep breath and walked over. 

He looked up at her, and she was shocked at what she saw. He looked...tired. 

"Hi," She breathed. 




He cleared his throat. "Why did you, erm, want to talk?" 

"I think there's things we should talk about." 



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