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AUTHORS NOTE: Hi guys! I'm very sorry I haven't updated in like a long time I will make it up to you but here's chapter 3, I actually had a chapter 3 almost finished but I didn't like it so I re did the whole thing. 450 VIEWS TY U GUYS, PLZ KEEP GOING!!! anyway I hope you comment, read and vote! But more importantly ENJOY! PS. I might edit it later

Chapter 3


It all hit me with a rush. The mix of spices and sweets, the warmth of the fire place enveloped me, the soft sound of music and chatter all around me, my eyes shifting to support the dimness of the lights and the feeling of comfort and remembrance. My eyes lifted from the floor to the ceiling to soak in view that still left me speechless. Everything about the place from hard wood floors to the high ceilings still captivated me to this day. The aged brick walls adorned with paintings of all kinds and the bookshelves running along them fascinated me. Even the oddly patterned carpets and the mix-matched furniture. My eyes snapped back into focus when I heard the cashier saying "Excuse me miss, your order?" I suddenly realized I had just zoned out in front of the counter in the middle of the room. I blushed a little out of embarrassment and told the cashier Merc, Alex and I's usual order; two hot chocolates and one mocha cappuccino with warm croissants on the side.

Five minutes later, I was carrying our order on a tray heading to the back of the cafe, to the fireplace where Merc and Alex were seating down on beanbag chairs, talking. "Hey guys, I brought our order" I said as I placed the tray on the floor and sat in the nearest beanbag chair. "Finally!" Alex said as he dove for the croissants, stuffing his face; I chuckled a little. Merc rolled her eyes took her mocha cappuccino and asked me, "What took you so long?" Alex mumbled through the croissants, "She was probably admiring the place again." "Maybe, so what were you guys talking about before" I said as I started to drink my hot cocoa. Alex was about to say something but coughed before he could. "You're going to kill yourself one day Alex. "Merc said as she began patting his back. "Anyway, we were talking about the new hot exchange student who's transferring to OUR school today; everyone's talking about it." "Why would an exchange student be transferring in November?" I said as I bit into my now half croissant. "It's not about how or why, Noe it's about who!" Merc said. Merc scooted her bean bag closer to Alex's and me and said in a hushed tone, "I heard that he got kicked out his old school in NY because he nearly beat someone to death." "Really?" I heard that he got expelled because he slept with his old principal's daughter and his wife." Alex chimed in; his mouth free of croissants. I looked to both Merc and Alex and said, "How do you guys know all this?" They looked at each other and said in unison, "The Internet". "And why are you whispering?" I said getting closer to Merc and Alex, Merc replied with a hushed tine, "because the Princess' wannabes are EVERYWHERE and they are already gunning for him." A silent moment passed but was quickly replaced with whole hearted laughter laying back in our chairs as we finished the rest of our food, there was a reason why we were best friends since kindergarten; we always resonated nicely with one another.

A beep replaced the laughter and I placed my cup down on the tray and started getting ready to leave. I watched as Alex brought the tray back to the counter and Merc almost halfway to the door. Then we said our goodbyes and thank yous then started our way to school. We walked and talked most of the way there and when we approached the school, we separated and I started getting ready. Pulling my auburn hair into a bun and placing my inner hood my head and put in my headphones I entered the building and made my way to English, as the period started the usual clamor of talk was replaced by silence and as I looked up and taking one ear bud out, I noticed an unfamiliar guy standing in front of the room giving off a mysterious vibe and heard my teacher Mr. Claude say in an unenthusiastic way, "Class, welcome the new transfer student, Damien Klein." Uninterested, I placed my ear bud back in as Damien sat in his seat, girls starting to crowd and fond over him and turned my eyes toward the lesson thinking, "Alex and Merc are going to love this".

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