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Author's Note:I am so happy that you guys are liking the story so far. I put this book on hold because I just think you guys should know that those who start reading this will be aware of my horrible updating schedule. I will try and write out the story first then release them on Wattpad chapter by chapter. Okay, thx for the support so far. Read, Comment,Vote and most of all ENJOY!!!


A wave of relief came over me as Mr.Claude said the words, "Class dismissed". English seemed to go by fast, even with the commotion from the new mysterious ["transfer"] student. After he was seated and introduced, things appeared to sink back into its usual class flow, though it was anything but. Whispers were passed between others throughout the period, all about the new student, Damien. "How old is he?", "Is he avaliable?" the questions slowly creeped in and clouded my thoughts once again. I cleared my mind as I walked quickly out the door to leave.

Suprisingly, the rest of the day went by in a blur as well, time seemed to slip out of my fingers. The next thing I knew the end of the day had come and I was rushing to my last period class; Art. I raced through the hallway, rushing past crowding people like I was going to be late, just to escape from the noise trying to pull me into its clutches.

I always loved being the first student to be in a classroom, it was silent, like the calm before a storm. As I opened the door and stepped into the classroom, I took the whole room in. The smells of paints and oils filled my nose, easels were spread openly across the room and the silence welcomed me. I closed the door behind me as I made my way to my easel. Grabbing a new canvas and placing my bag to the side, I began picturing what I wanted to paint. Mrs.Mueller entered and used her hand to hi to me. She is a weird teacher who is crazy at times but was nice, cool and a good listener. I placed my ear buds in and got the paint colors silently watching as students began arriving; one by one the art room became full and noisy. Mrs.Mueller already wrote "free paint" on the white board and began distributing aprons. Merc and Alex said I always seem to get "wrapped up" in almost every where. The smells, the sounds, the sights and the feelings I get at a place inspires me no matter where I am. Mrs.Mueller says that whenever she sees my paintings she " is placed into the paintings because of its realism and 'warmth'". I picked up my paintbrush and dipped it into the brown slightly, but before I could stain the canvas with the color, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Mrs.Mueller was beside me and I removed my earbuds to listen to her. "Don't start working yet sweetie. Sorry for the interruption, but I am short a few easels today. So some people will have to share, just to let you know." Mrs.Mueller said. I nodded my head and placed my paintbrush down, waiting for more instruction. "Welcome back students. Before you disperse into your cliques and start getting excited about the end of the day, give a warm welcome to one of the newest members of our school community this year, Damien." Mrs.Mueller said when she reached the middle of the room. Claps of different speeds slowly formed to create an applause and he came into view; earning many stares and becoming the focus attention. Mr.Mueller looked very average compared to him. He was a little bit taller than the average height of 5'5", he had black short, straight hair and a light tan across his face that was probably all over his skin. His eyes were blue, a dark yet gleaming blue that probably seduced and enraptured those who stared for too long. His face was attractive, no doubt, and had strong features like a sharp jawline. He wore a black leather jacket, dark blue ripped jeans and high tops. He intrigued me, sparked the curiosity inside me and the urge to undercover the truth about him, but a guy like that has bad news all over him and probably attracted trouble. I looked away from him before our eyes could meet and concentrated on Mrs.Mueller as she cleared her throat and spoke once more, "Alright now, settle down. Since there is a shortage in easels today, some people will have to seperate from their usual social flock and pair up with someone of my choosing. Damien, since you are new here, you get to decide who will be your partner for today. " She then whispered something in Damien's ear and started pairing people up, ignoring the class's moans and groans that protested her decision.

I stared at my blank canvas as she called off names from her attendance sheet, trying to invision the colors working together to create the scene in my head. I was interrupted yet again by a tap on the shoulder, but not by the same person. Damien had pulled up a stool next to my easel and I, and he said 'You don't mind, do you?". I looked away from him, told him a simple "no" and turned back to the canvas. "Well, that's all the pairs. Get to work!" Mrs.Mueller announced. I didn't mind if he wanted to be my partner, but I don't usually have partners, so I just put in my earbuds and began painting. Soon enough, music flowed through me and the painting brush, taking me away mentally as I stroked the canvas; I could feel his presence near me and my nose inhaled his smell as it began mixing with the smell of the paint , but I didn't care nor wanted to take input on how I should paint, this was one of mine. Colors swirled and mixed in front of me, slowly forming the image from my imagination and memory. I didn't even realize that the period had ended and everyone, but Mrs.Mueller and I were gone. I cleaned up, left my canvas out to dry, said goodbye to Mrs.Mueller and started walking home.

The crisp cold air brought me back to the reality of life. As I walked to my bike, I began to skip through songs in my playlist, not paying attention to where I was going til SMACK! My body crashed into something, hard. My body lost balance and I ended up on the floor. I looked around me to check if everything was still intact: bag..check, phone...check, body...check, watch....wait it's 4:40?!?. "My aunt was going to kill me" I thought as I gathered my self, apologized to whomever I bumped into and ran to my bike.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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