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"Son," Mike sighed, "meet your aunt, Mizuki, heavenly named Anariel."

"Wonderful!!!" The really beautiful girl clapped her hand in excitement, bouncing towards me. She clasped both of my hands in hers and said, "I'm Keterina Anne Dragonovich-Johanneques de Arc, Mr. Mikhail Ange's daughter-in-law. I'm a demon-born Nephelim. I am so happy to finally meet you~!!!"

I faced Mike, who shrugged.

Turning my attention back to Keterina, I replied as politely as I could, "Um, nice to meet you...too."

Keterina returned to her position. The new guy rose from his own and walked towards me. Formally, he bowed, saying, "Greetings, milady. I am Dmitri Johanneques de Arc. As you are quite aware, my father is Mikhail."


A few seconds passed before Dmitri let out a snicker.

"The heck?" Raph stared.

Dmitri slowly let out a laugh that became a very loud one.

"Michael," Jibrel noted, "I think your son was hit on the head or something."

"Yeah," Mike agreed. "Joan dropped him on the head as a baby. Never recovered since, considering how she was living in a dungeon during her pregnancy."

"I'm...s-sorry," he said in between laughs. "It's just that, I know she's my aunt and all, but, I don't think I can call her a little girl younger than me an aunt."

"Ouchie," I flinched.

That really got me good.

Mike stepped towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder. He threw a confident smile at me, beaming mischievously, "Show him, Mizuki."

Beaming back, I walked towards Dmitri. My movement caused him to stop, looking down at me with pure confidence.

"What's up your sleeve, little girl?" he asked.

"Uh-oh," Keterina groaned.

I smiled. "This."

His face turned to confusion. Raising my middle finger, I hooked it to my thumb. I slowly felt the coarsing of water through my veins, focusing my power to the middle finger. With one small flick, Dmitri was thrown off the window.


"Atta girl," Mike strode towards me, patting my back.

"I'll go get him," Keterina volunteered.

"Should I heal him?" Raph asked, avoiding the dashing Keterina.

Mike shook his head. "Let him learn from his mistakes, let him heal naturally and I'll see what we can do."

Luci muttered to me, "At times like this, I don't want to cross Mickey."

I nodded in silent agreement.

A minute later, Keterina strolled back into the room casually with Dmitri's stomach on her shoulder whilst she hummed something sounding like a Russian folksong.

Keterina turned to me with a really happy smile. "You have my permission to hurt him as much as you need. He definitely needs to learn his place."

She dropped him roughly on the floor, making him groan.

"Grow up, kid," Fiel smirked. "You asked for a beating by insulting our girl, anyways."

Dmitri grumbled. He rubbed his back soothingly, glaring daggers at his father along the way.

After a few minutes of being smug about my power in humiliating an old guy, I situated myself on the carpetted floor. My right elbow was on my thigh, my hand palming my cheek in support. I was leaning against Mike's shoulder while Jibrel was talking with Uriel in hushed tones. Fiel was trying to mess with Mike, who had enough and ended up tripping him up by swiping his hand around Fiel's ankles.

"We are what we call the Free Masons."

I snorted. "The cult that sacrifices virgins for God?"

"Oh, that's a rumor I started," Keterina admitted factly. "The fact that we had to cover our trail is actually one hard thing to do until it came up."

"And," Dmitri went on, "Freemasonry was actually created by me and Keterina. Our main goal: we're mercenaries under God. If the situation is too messy for angels to interfere, Nephelim step in. We are not only people who were sired by angels, but those who are reformed demons."

"Hi," Keterina piped with a grin, making my eyes widen in surprise.

"Be at ease, my sweet," Mike said, caressing my hair.

"Each of us has a powerful parent. Mine is, of course, Michael," he went on, casting Mike a dark look, "and Keterina's the demon Asmodeus and Lust."


"Actually," Keterina said thoughtfully, "Assy was my uber great-grandpappy who wanted sex with almost all the first born female descendants who hit the age of thirteen. I mean, I'm no Nephelim, but, mum was technically possessed, I guess."

My face screwed in disgust at such thought.

"And," Keterina went on casually, "if Aunt Big Sis here is Anariel's reincarnation, mama's the reincarnation of Lust."

"Aunt Big Sis?" Raph raised his eyebrow.

"She's an aunt who's close to my age, so, that technically makes her an aunt and a big sister, considering how old her soul is," Keterina explained.

Dmitri turned to me. "I stand corrected. Anyway, though Kitty,"Keterina blushed at the nickname while I sighed in admiration, "here is practically pureblooded, her soul was pure in essence.

"It was part of an ancient prophecy that two unlikely souls fall in love. If both were pure, they would begin a new world that would help Light defeat Darkness and all that."

"In short," I piped, "it's you guys, right?"

"Yep," Dmitri nodded.

"There are more of us, of course," Keterina added, "but, we are mostly in hiding. Let's just say our true identities fly out," she giggled at the pun, "when the world is in total chaos."

"Wow," I whispered.

"The point is," Dmitri sighed, "Grandpa thinks He needs us to protect you from the demons and Fallens."

Fallen, meaning, once-upon-a-time-I-was-an-angel.

I looked at the family, seeing they're expressions grave.

Up until now, I didn't expect my life to be this dangerous. I didn't believe in the stories that they told me until this happened. The appearance of Sariel and Dmitri complicates things in my life.

Sure, I've heard and seen no normal person could, but, I didn't feel this much fear since the fire happened. Since that memory.

Right now, I just knew that my life would be different from the usual trouble I was used to having.

Freak my life.

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