Routines and Work

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*To get the idea of the song, I placed a link of I Will Not Bow just above. Enjoy nya~


"Ana-banana, get up!"

I groaned over my bed, pushing my face back into the comfort of my pillow. I was lying on my stomach with a fluffy turtle stuff toy from Malaysia to accompany my nights. Draped in Jibrel's really large charcoal grey shirt, it rose from my knees to my waiste due to the constant movements of my body, just like how my navy blue sweatpants rose from ankles to my thighs. I was no princess when it comes to sleeping.

"Kitten," Fiel's voice spoke with a warning, "I will eat all of your Fruit Loops if you don't get up THIS INSTANT."

"I'm up!" I said, jerking awake instantly. The feel of nausea did not miss at the quick movement of my body. Groaning again, I momentarily held my head and went for the slippers I kept near my bed.

If one entered my room, from the blue door, you see a desk on the left side, facing the right, where a bed draped in blue faced the desk. Beside the desk was the door to my bathroom, whilst a night table with a lamp and a bookshelf sat beside the bed. Now, if one ignored the bed, you'll see a heavily draped window facing just directly in front of the entrance. Why heavily draped? I just hate sunlight.

Now treading for my aqua green bathroom, I quickly showered and rinsed with my vanilla-scented supplies while blasting my outdated MP3 player near a very cheap imitation of a speaker brand I practically have no idea about.

Breaking Benjamin's I Will Not Bow queued up, making me snort at the irony of my situation.

Now the dark begins to rise
Save your breath - it's far from over
Leave the lost and dead behind
Now's your chance to run for cover

I rinsed myself conpletely, feeling the thrill and adrenaline coming from the song.

I will not fall
I will not break
I will shut the world away


Finishing my morning routine, I turned off the gadgets and dressed in a baby blue shirt with white long sleeves underneath and a pair of loose jeans. I paired them off withy black running shoes.

I rushed down the stairs while tying my hair into a ponytail with a piece of rubber band. When I arrived in the meet hall, I instantly zeroed on Fiel. He was dressed in the usual work outfits of my brothers - buttoned up navy blue polo with black slacks and black leather shoes. But, that was not the reason why I targetted him. It was because he was holding a spoon with milky, colorful goodness, eating my beloved Fruit Loops.

"That's MINE~!!!" I whined, rushing towards him to take a grab of my food. Rather than hitting him, he managed to distance himself from me by placing a hand on my head.

Fiel retorted, "You were taking your time. Plus, I'm fu-"

"Lucifer!" Mike yelled his warning.

"Fudging, I was gonna say, 'fudging'. Yeesh," Fiel muttered. "You guys have no funny bone."

"We do this every day," Mike grumbled, raking his curls in frustration with his fingers.

I gingerly sat on my spot, still fuming at Fiel. Dipping my spoon into my milky bowl, I savored the taste the moment the flavor landed on my tongue.

Father in heaven, thank you for the gift of heavenly tastebuds!!! Amen.

"Now, now," Jibrel chuckled heartily. "Let's eat before we open up. I honestly don't want to be late after the fiasco from yesterday."

My stomach churned at the mention of yesterday's incident. Looking at Uriel, he was so relaxed on his chair that I even wonder at times how he could be so calm. I knew of his amazing rune talent, knowing how he's the best of the best in ward making, but, how could one such as him be so calm?

"I'm done," Raph said, stretching himself.

"So am I," I said.

Mike frowned at the bowl of leftover cereal.

"You alright, Riel?" Fiel asked.

I nodded. "I'm not really hungry."

Raph rushed to our kitchen to return after a few seconds. He threw something at me and I caught it with ease. The texture of the object was smooth, and when I took a look at it, I realized that it was a beautiful pink apple.

"Just eat that for now. You need all the strength you can get," Raph winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, biting the apple quickly to its core.

"Where're Dmitri and Keterina?" I asked.

"Why bother asking when both still haven't gone out of their honeymoon phase?" Fiel muttered darkly.

Raph snickered. "One of the many reasons why Michael kicked them out?"

"Seriously?" I asked, wide-eyed, turning to Mike for an answer.

Surprisingly, it was Uriel who answered. "The kid's just too obnoxious. Liked him better as a kid."

I was not able to ask more questions as my brothers began the usual clean up. It was currently Uriel's turn to wash dishes and utensils.

Throwing the core of the apple in his trash bin, I watched Fiel opening the door to put out an open sign.

Fiel, despite his devil may care attitude, pun intended, was a strict candidate for a perfect attendance. He's punctual, even earlier. When Jibrel was more lenient in our opening, Fiel would prefer to open at least ten minutes before the actual time.

At the exact time of eight, the phone on Fiel's desk began to ring.

"Ange," he stated. After a few seconds of nodding, he said, "We're on our way." It was followed by Fiel commanding, "Assemble!!!"

We have two cars - a black Vios owned by Mike and a red Porsch that belonged to Fiel. The guys always went with Fiel, and Mike always went with me. He didn't like the speed that Fiel drove at, and it showed the first time he drove at 130 m/ph. He was lucky no form of police caught us, too.

I sat beside Mike, buckling, knowing how he was such a stickler for rules.

"Where to?" I asked.

Mike released the break and stepped on it, trying to catch up to Fiel's crazy driving without going over sixty.

"A high-end club somewhere in the upper East Side of Manhattan," he replied. "We're not sure of what truly happened yet, but, a vampire was found drained."

"Well, that sucks literally," I frowned. "Next thing you know, a werewolf also gets drained, and then a fey is also found somewhere in the streets, then -"

"What are you on about?" He asked, swerving a bit to avoid a car.

I asked, "Have you heard of The Mortal Instruments?"


"Seriously?!" I exclaimed.

Mike scratched his head while keeping a hand on the wheel. "Is it about people who look for Excalibur?"

I frowned. "You will have to read it yourself. Honestly, Cassandra Clare makes Nephilims sound more badass-"

"Language," Mike intercepted.

I ignored him and went on, "than how your son is."

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