Chapter Four

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Tashie's POV

I waited outside for Kayla at our usual spot as always. I watched her as she came walking.

'How was it with ray' I asked.

'With who' she replied not seeming to care.

'Ray. Rayon Smith' I cooed.

'Oh him. I don't know what you're talking bout' she stated walking a bit faster than usual.

'He stood you up didn't he?' I asked stopping her.

'It doesn't matter anyway. Why would he even want to hang with me, I mean look at me' she semi shouted back at me.

I gotta Say Kayla didn't see her self like how we saw her. Kayla was beautiful with African curly hair, she was light skinned with a curvy body.

She was meant to be a cheerleader but her Step sister Desiree took that away From her. She's cheer captain.

'Kayla You're talking Crap, you're fuckin beautiful and everyone knows that' I stated.

'Whatever' she replied walking of with her books in her hand and her bag on the side of her. (Side bag)

Kayla's POV

I was walking my Ass to English again for the forth time this week I've had it first period. Fuck my life!

On my way I felt A Cold substance run down my back and wet my hair.


That's great.

I turned around to see Desiree

'Bitch' she coughed walking past me to wherever she was going with her side kicks.

Fuck HighSchool.

I turned around to walk to the bathrooms with my head down and my books over me.

'Wait up' a voice yelled at me from down the Hall.


What did he want. To add some cream to that coffee.

I walked faster but he reached me grabbing my arm back making me face him. I turned my face to look behind me.

'What do you want Jacob' I asked annoyed.

'Here let me help you clean up' he pleaded taking my books out my hand.

'No I'm fine' I muttered getting my books back from him.

'I'm not taking no for an answer' he replied opening his arms and taking me in to a hug.

Nigga I smell like coffee and you want to hug me now!

'Thanks I really needed that' I smiled letting loose out his grip.

'My pleasure, hey how bout we get out of here at lunch' he asked stroking his finger up and down my cheek.

'I'll think bout it' I smiled and started walking off to the bathroom.

Why was he talking to me.

He's Mr popular and I'm not.

I cleared my self up and sat in the bathroom the whole English period. It did save me from seeing Ray.

I texted Tashie to meet me in the toilets. First break came and she went by my place to get me some clothes.

'Thanks Tash! I love you' I said hugging her and taking the clothes out her arms.

'That's what friends are for' she smiled and pushed me to get changed.

HighSchool might suck. But I'll always have my bestie.

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