Chapter One

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Kayla's POV

I was sitting on the bleachers with my music on Blast and my art book in front of me. Yes I liked to draw. This was one of my many unknown talents.

I started to draw when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

I popped up in fear then I turned around to see only Ray.Why is he even talking to me.

'You're very talented' he said taking a seat next to me.

I laughed as I put my book down and kept my pencil in my hand.

'Thank you' I replied smiling while showing my dimples.

'You're really beautiful' he said looking down at the cheerleaders. I laughed at what he said.

'Well no one has ever said that to me before. Thank you'

We sat there for a bit with awkward silence. I decided to break the silence.

'What are you doing here' I asked looking down at my bag.

'Oh my Boy plays Football and Im here to watch'

'Sounds like me' I replied with a slight chuckle. 'My best friend is a Cheerleader.

'Yea. Which one is she'

I pointed at Tashie and his eyes got wider. 'I can introduce her to my home boy, he'd love her'

I laughed a little cause Tashie would never be interested in jerks.

'Thats sounds great.' I lied. Moments later Tashie was back and she looked down at me then at Ray.

'Are we going Kayla' she asked folding her arms.

'Yea let me grab my stuff' I replied packing up all my stuff and getting up.

'Uh you should call me' Ray semi-whispered loud enough for me to hear.

I laughed and walked off with Tashie.

'You were talking to Rayon! For real' Tashie semi squealed looking at me and pulling my arm.

'Ouch!' I said semi screaming 'No! He was talking to me. I didn't do anything'

'Whatever Kayla" she said shaking me and going into the locker rooms. I stood outside waiting for her.

I looked at my Micheal Kors gold watch and realized I was late for my parents Wedding rehearsal dinner.

Fuck my life.

I told Tashie and she understood.

I got in my car a small BMW Black with silver rims and shiny paint.

I revved the engine and got to the venue. I entered knowing what I was in for.

I found my Dad, but my step mom to be was no where to be found. I decided to sit in the corner while everyone did there jobs.

'There you are! Where have you been!'

Oh yea she's here alright.


My step mum to be.

'I-I-I was here' I mumbled struggling to talk. Let me tell you! She was a scary woman at 5'10.

'When I'm married to your dad! I swear your life will be a damn living hell' She explained giving the evils and walking off.

My life was already hell.

My parents divorced when I was 12.


It's such an ugly word.

Now my mum lives in LA and my dad lives here in LA with his Girlfriend Latoya.

I did as asked from Latoya. I didn't like her Children at all. There was Kyle and Desiree.

Not that I hated them, but we just don't get along.

Except her youngest daughter Kyla, at only 8 years old Ky was smart.

Me and her decided to leave this shit. I took her to my car and we went to get some frozen yoghurt. We sat in the place and talked.

'Why don't you like my mum' she asked licking her spoon.

What do I say. Of course I didn't like her mum. She was a bitch and she hated me.

'I do like her' I lied pulling a smile on my face.

'I wish you two could get along' she mumbled looking at her feet.

Get along. How do I do that. The woman feeds of my dad.

My dad was a lawyer. He's a rich man. So that's why this whore feeds of him.

My dad doesn't believe me when I tell him she's a gold digger. So I stayed out of it.

Me and my dad haven't talked much since the Divorce.

There's that word again.


It's a very ugly word.

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