Chapter 3 what a day

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chapter 3 What A Day

we all sat in chairs in front of his small wooden desk in his cramped messy office.

"what happened?"he said

"She spilt milk on my new dress"

"She pored milk on my head on purpose!"

"She's always been jealous of me!"

"Why would I be jealous of you?!"

"Why wouldn't you.?"

"Gosh Lilly you have such a big ego!"

"At least Im liked."she said in a high pitched tone that was starting to give me a headache.

"THAT'S ENOUGH GIRLS!" Mr.A said pounding his fist on his desk to get our attention.

"Since you two boys won't talk and you two love food so much how about you all work in the school kitchen for the next month!"

"Ewwwww touch the stuff they serve here!" Lilly said letting out a groan.

"Also a Saturday school next weekend see you all there" he said as the bell rang.

"Perfect timing you four make your way to the assembly and stay away from each other."

We all walked out of the front office and walked opposite ways to take out seats in the auditorium.

"Bailey wait up!" I stopped before I recognized the voice it was Max's! I never realized how nice my name sounded till it came out of his mouth.

I turned around to see the smiling face of Max Collins standing right in front me. My eyes widened a little bit before a smile appeared upon my face.

"Wanna sit together ?" He said probably just trying to make me feel better though, But hey he offered.

"Sure!!" I said putting a smile across my face . He laughed a little then we started walking to find some seats.

The last seats were In the very back which was totally cool with me cause I hate these stupid things. Max and i sat there talking the whole time about just random things that came to mind. Anything was better than listening to what ever they were talking about anyways. Max is actually really funny.! He laughed at a few of my jokes which made me laugh cause I know for a fact I'm not funny AT ALL. The assembly was finally over and we walked outside still talking about our last topic of how I bet he couldn't lift me up.

" I bet I can! "

" I bet you can't " I said teasing him.

Then just seconds later his arms were wrapped around my waist and mine around his neck and he was Lifting me off the ground. I knew he could since i only weighed about 87 pounds , but i acted like he couldnt just so he would if it isnt obvious. It's felt like in movies when a guys picks you up and spins you around while hugging you. I don't know if this counts as that but whatever I watch way to many 80's movies.

"okay so you can" I said while laughing.

"We should talk more"

" ya I'd like that...We'll I gotta go Mr.chris gets really mad when I'm late bye!" I said waving to him and running off. Honestly I just needed to get away. Those butterflies in my stomach were making me feel sick.


I walked through my front door went straight up stairs to my room and collapsed on my bed. I laid there thinking about how his hands felt around my waist. Then I thought about his laugh And replayed it my head about thousand times before a knock at my door startled me.

"Dinner will be ready in about an hour get washed up"

"Okay" I said as I tried to run my fingers through my long brown hair that still was a little damp from the milk Lilly had poured on me at lunch.

"Gross" I mumbled to myself..

I took a quick 10 minutes shower then walked over to my dresser draws and pulled out a pair of sweat pants , a t-shirt , and some blue fluffy socks then went down stairs to eat.

"How was your day today bay?"

"Fine" I said faking a smile and stuffing pasta in my mouth.

"I'm full I'm gonna go up stairs. Night mom" I said as I put my plate in the sink then ran up stairs.

"Thank god it's Friday" I whispered to myself as I slowly fell asleep to the sound of my tv..

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