Chapter 1

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"Goodbye! Thank you for this wonderful night! Goodnight!"

Harry shouted and waved at the fans while walking backwards to the backstage.

"That was so goooood!" Louis said before taking a large gulp of water.

"Yeah! The fans are incredible!" Half screamed Zayn.

Boys continued to chat while making their way to their dressing rooms. Niall will just smile then nod then smile and then nod.

"Hey man, something wrong?" Liam asked Niall letting the other boys overtake them.

"Nah, just, ya 'know... Tired." Niall half-smiled.

"Are you sure?" Liam kept asking him with a worried face.

" 'Course I am. Why wouldn't I be? Don't be so worried Li, I'm fine. I promise." Niall said and he smiled at Liam before he entered the dressing room.

Liam's still unconvinced but he shrugged off his worries. Maybe he's just being paranoid. He entered the room and saw that the boys are laughing at something that Louis said. His eyes then darted to Niall. Niall is laughing too but he could see the weariness in his eyes.

Maybe he's just really tired... Liam thought and shrugged.

After a while, Paul called them and told them that they're already going home.

"Is it just me or, we all forgot that this is the last concert in our tour?" Louis is a little bit amazed and at the same time puzzeled. 

"I think everyone forgot." Harry finally said.

They all started to laugh at themselves for being idiots. Paul just shooked his head and shooed them out of the dressing room to the car.

"Remember boys, this is the last concert but you're still not going home as in, home. You still have interviews that you have to attend." Paul said after they finally stop laughing.

"Oh yeah. How many weeks more?" Zayn asked.

"More or less two weeks. C'mon, it's not really that long. Besides you have two-day off."

"Hey, let's go clubbing tomorrow!" Liam said excited.

"I don't know, I might not make it." Zayn said quietly.

"Why?" Niall, after the boys think 98563426416 years, finally said.

"Uhh, I already have plans." Answered Zayn.

"But I thought you forgot that we're going to have two-day off?" Niall spoke up again.

"Yeah, but you know. Uhm, fine. I-I'll try." Zayn finally said and sighed.

"Yes! So I'll invite Dani and Louis invite Eleanour." Liam said excitement visible in his face.

"Tomorow night's going to be a very happy, long night!" Screamed Harry while waving his hands in the air.

Niall take a deep breath.

I bet it's going to be along night. And I have a feeling that it's not going to be a very happy one. Niall thought.


Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.

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