"I finally think it's done", a man's voice said through an intercom.
"What is your name Subject 1456", the man asked. I looked up my body straight.
"My name? My name is... I...my name is 1456", I answered slowly. How did I get here, who am I, who is that man. I can't remember, why can't I remember. I moved to slam my fist against my head. I remember the supernatural creatures. List them 1456. Vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies, Rahuls, trolls, goblins, dwarves, and humans. What am I? A Doiŕ vampire. A advanced vampire. That's what it is, a vampire who feeds on other vampires. Okay I remember that, what else. I had some names on the tip of my tongue when the man's voice came back.
"You must be very confused 1456", he spoke affectionly. I stopped thinking and looked at the speaker that made his voice enter the room.
"You where brutally attacked by some vampires like yourself. Only they couldn't be killed like normal vampires. Only a Doiŕ vampire can kill another Doiŕ vampire. Other than that they have immortality",
"Why are you telling me this", I asked trying to break free of my restraints.
"Because I want you to kill them", he answered and a hidden door opened and light flooded in. The metal restraints popped open.
"Why would I do that. I have no memory of hating them",
"Because I will return your memories if you kill the sixteen vampires through that door. And then we will find the ones who hired these vampires to kill you and we will make them suffer",
"And if I don't accept",
"Then you die. But don't you want to know who you are. Feed from these vampires and I will deliver you your earned freedom and memories", he said soothing my confusion. I hesitated and rubbed my wrist before stepping into the light.
The smell of the other vampires filled my nose. It was interesting to see things from a vampire's point of view. My eyesight was incredible. I could see father than I thought was possible, my senses told me that those vampires who helped attacked me was in the room in front of me. I felt my fangs drop down and my eyes feel stronger and quicker. I sped down the hallway and busted open the door and before the dust cleared already killed two. Both of their hearts were gone, by the time the door hit the floor three more was dead too. The last ten looked at me in astonishment.
"Asyrd, Azoro is-", one of them began to shout. But I ripped his head from his neck and plunged my hand into his chest and ripped out his heart. I turned to the rest head and heart in my hands. Blood was splattered all over my body and face.
"I promise to make it quick", I said and bared my fangs. The next two minutes were screams filled. I'm sure the man heard it all happening. I did good on my promise and killed them quickly, although if they ran it wasn't my fault. Once I was done I heard the man's voice over the intercom speaking.
"Good job, 1456", he congratulated me, "I'm sure you have questions so lets get you feed and cleaned. Follow that hallway all the way down and you'll find a ladder leading up. Take it and you'll find yourself inside my home. Meet me on the front porch which will be directly in front of you", he described. I did as he said and found everything he described. When I climbed the ladder I found myself in a huge house. I must be in the living room, because I saw a couple of sofa chairs and a couch. I climbed all the way out and looked to see a door with light shining through. I headed towards it with caution, I didn't know this guy though. But he was the only person I know with my memory like this. I opened the door and stepped out.
It was weird to find myself in the country side. Green grass spread all around me. Trees littered the yard off to the side and a red painted fence separated the yard and the dirt road. One single tree with apples stood in front of the yard, the sun shone gently through the green leaves. For a second I felt at peace. For that second I forgotten where I was or the bloody mess I left behind.
"Peaceful isn't it", a voice said. I jumped back, a man stood there. He was tall and skinny, with pale skin and greyish black hair with blue eyes.
"Don't answer just enjoy the moment", the man spoke bringing his finger to his lips in a gesture for me to stay quiet. I did for a short while before I got curious.
"Who are? ", I asked. He had his eyes closed as if he was taking in the peace and quiet.
"My name is Asyrd Silver. I take it that name means nothing to you", he asked opening his eyes. I thought the name over,...Asyrd.
"Doesn't ring a bell", I answered. I felt unsure though, it made me want to remember, but alas, I couldn't.
"Good. So I promised you to get clean and feed, allow me to do just that. Follow me", Asyrd said turning on his heel and walked back inside. I followed with curiosity of the man who would help a nobody with no memory. It wasn't like this happens everyday,... Or does it. I couldn't possibly remember. The man led me to a comfortable looking room. It was decorated mostly with brown and golden encrusted sheets. The floor had a brown carpet, a bed, and several dressers. The bathroom door was open, with lights on and clothes set out on the sink.
"Go ahead and wash up and then meet me in the kitchen. Follow your nose, I'll be cooking pancakes", he smiled kindly.
"Okay I'll be there", I said still a little uncertain. He must have saw it because he stayed,
"Ask my any question at the table but get clean and I'll be ready to answer", he said smiling and then left. For some reason his kindness look fake. Almost forced. But that aside I mustn't tell him the names I remembered. The names I could only remember from my memory loss. For some reason I couldn't tell him I remembered those names. I needed those name so I could stay sane, and only listing them in my head worked.
...And India.
The Vampire Hunter: Rahul
FantasyAzoro Grey is one of the few people capable of killing an vampire. He was trained and raised by the best. His father's name was Sloan. He was attacked by a vampire named Asyrd Silver. A rouge vampire who doesn't follow the council's supernatural law...