Confessions whilst sleeping.

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"I'm going to marry a girl, a very pretty girl" Tommy mumbles in his sleep and I'm shocked and almost horrified at the revelation. Is it me? My heart races as I try to comprehend marrying Tommy or even him marrying somebody else, I tell myself he's dreaming and I forget the thought as I try to drift off into a peaceful sleep but  I wake once more but this time Tommy isn't lay next to me.
I roll out of bed and throw my cardigan around me, I go downstairs and find him say staring out of the window. I'm quiet so he doesn't hear me so I make my way to him and place my hands on his shoulders.

"Grace" he says in his sexy voice.

"Tommy" I say back to him giggling slightly and I see him smirking.

"The races, they're soon" he says matter of factly and I'm confused.

"I have business there. I want you there but not caught up in all of this." He continues waving his arm around signalling 'all of this'. I look at him confused. I recall him inviting me, why is it changing now?

"If you want me there Tommy. I'm there. If you don't then that's fine." I reply to him, I don't want to be a burden.
All of this is confusing, considering I've known Tommy for so long I've come to realise you really don't know somebody as much as you think you do. He's confusing yes, but in a different way.
He smiles and I pull him of his seat and back to the bedroom.

He moves his hand up and down my back, making me fall effortlessly into a calm and serene sleep.

I wake up and once agin Mr.Tommy Shelby is gone, this time he's left the house. Perhaps home, I'm not sure.
I'm meeting Ada soon anyway so I'm sure I'll see him there if he is. I can't stay away from this man, I suppose the fact my front door is literally around the corner from his and I'm bestfriends with his sister it was inevitable!

I decide on a lilac dress, my hair loose and minimal make up. I need to travel to London at some point in the near future. Tommy will be there too but I don't want him to feel as though I'm going just because he is so that's a point I need to tackle.

As I arrive at the Shelby's, John is walking out with Finn I let on to him and briefly talk but then they continue.

"Ada" I shout, but she doesn't answer so I end up with Polly. Ada stayed at Freddie's so instead I catch up with Polly whilst waiting.
She lets me known of some of the boys plans on expanding into London and increasing the amount of races they're winning. It makes me happy that they have so many big plans. Truth is I and everybody else know they're gangsters. They'll always have some criminality in them.

Tommy comes charging in, he doesn't look to the side he continues through the double doors. He turns around his face dress filled but then a smile appears on his face slightly.

"You missing me?" He says winking and I laugh

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"You missing me?" He says winking and I laugh.

"I came to find your sister actually Mr.Shelby" I reply back to him and Polly gives us both a suspicious look.
The glare we are holding between us is interrupted by Ada.

"Well I must be going Mr.Shelby"

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