New Story {14}

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Sammie's POV:


"Sammie, Sammie, please open the door!" mom pleaded, while banging on the door.

"Sammie isn't here anymore, Sammie's dead!" I shouted.

"Don't talk like that, sweetheart!"

Where was she when I needed her? I grabbed something and threw it at the table in the corner of my room. It hit it hard.

"What was that noise?" mom continued.

"The sound of my death!"

Soon mom gave up and walked away. I felt so... weak. So unperfect, if that was a word. Why was I like this? Why is all I want to know?

I got up and looked out my window, it was starting to rain. I climbed out the window and landed on my feet, but almost slipped. I looked up and raindrops fell on my head, I spun around, while crying. I fell down on the grass, when I got dizzy and took a hold of the grass, while ripping it out of the ground. I laid there on the grass and stared at the sky. The rain mixing with my tears. The rain was cold, actually freezing, but I didn't care.

I looked at my hand, blood was still dripping from it. I held it up in front of me, so the blood could fall on my face. Why am I alive? I don't deserve to be alive, so why am I? I was so tired, I didn't sleep much, nor eat much. My eyes fluttered and slowly closed.

When I opened my eyes again, I noticed I was in my room and on my bed. It looked like someone had cleaned my room up. I looked at my hand, it was bandaged. And my clothes were still drenched. As I sat up, I saw a piece of paper on me. It was a note. I picked it up and read it out loud:

Dear, Sammie

I thought about what you said and you're right, I don't belong here. I have no right to come between you and your dad. I'm sorry, because of me you have been even more separated from your dad. I have decided to go back to the orphanage and hope someone else will adopt me. I'll try to convince mom and dad, I mean, your mom and dad. Goodbye, I'll miss you, even though I know you won't. Maybe in the future, I'll see you again, I hope so.



P.S. I hope your hands gets better and I love you.

What? He's leaving? I took the letter and put it next to me, I opened my door and creeped downstairs. I heard mom and dad standing by the door with Sandy, I think they were trying to stop him from leaving. Near his feet were two big bags, he was seriously leaving.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." Sandy was saying.

"No you don't." dad said. "I told you not to listen to Sammie."

"It's not because of her."

"Then why?"

"I can't say."

Sandy was about to go out the door, but I stopped him. I don't know why, but I just did.

"Wait!" I said.

Everyone turned to look at me, I skipped down the stairs, and almost fell. I was still really tired and it was sorta dark. I walked over to Sandy and looked up at him.

"Don't go." I whispered.

"But, I thought you didn't like me." he replied.

"I- our family needs you, we need a boy in the house and I need you. I-I'm sorry." I can't believe I was saying all this.

Sandy looked at me, I guess he was shocked by what I had just said, I was pretty shocked myself.

"Ok, I-I'll stay." he declared

"I'll take your bag upstairs." dad said.

He took both the bags in each hand and mom hugged me and kissed my cheek, before leaving. I myself was about to leave too, but I was stopped by Sandy.

"Sammie." he said. I turned around and looked at him. "Thank you. I'm really glad that you've changed."

"I haven't changed one bit," I replied. "I'm still the same old Sammie that still hates you."

"I-I don't understand, you just said-" I cut him off.

"I know what I said, but it wasn't the truth. I did it for my family. I did it so dad wouldn't even more mad at me. I don't want, I don't need and I don't love you! I will never want you, need you, or love you! I will always hate you!"

I walked away, leaving him there. I went back to my room and looked at the letter. I ripped it into little pieces and then threw it out the window. I watched it fly away in the wind and then land somewhere on the ground.

I don't know if I did the right thing by letting him stay or not, but at least dad will hate me a little less. Maybe.


"I don't think Sammie did the right thing." Andrea said quietly.

"I know, I don't think so either." Auntie S. replied.

"What happened next?" asked Paul.

"I'll tell you."

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