New Story {8}

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Sammie's POV:

Ok, so now I officially hate Jake and Andy. I don't know who I hate more. Andy for leaving me. Or Jake for being the first to leave me. Besides, I was the one who defended and befriended Jake when he was all alone and in need of a friend. And I know I was the one who told Andy to accept the offer, but I didn't think he'd actually do it! Oh, why am I thinking of this right now?

I was at home on a Sunday evening. Both my parents weren't home, so I was alone with Sandy. He was taking a shower. And I was sitting on my bed, glaring at my phone, it was the cause of all my sadness. I looked at my contacts, there wasn't much, just Jake, Andy, Jared, Jared's friend, and some family members. I was debating whether or not to delete my ex-friends' numbers. I mean it's not like I'm gonna need them anymore, they're not gonna call me ever again, if they wanted to, they already would've. I was also debating whose I should do first. I hate Jake the most, but I also loved him a lot, but also a little less than before. It was so complicated.

I finally made my decision, Jake was the first to leave, so he would be the first to be deleted. Then, Andy, Jared, and his crew. But, before I could get to deleting it, my phone rang. And guess who it was. Yes, Jake himself had decided to call me. I tried to hide the happiness in my voice as I answered the call.

"What?" I asked.

"Is your brother home?" he sounded as if he was in a hurry or something, so why don't I have a little fun with him? It's been so long since I have.

"Yeah. So?"

"So, can I talk to him?"

"So, the great and popular Jake the Jock wants to talk to my brother?"


"About what?" I was curious to know this.

"It's personal."

I stood up and started pacing around my room.

"Wow, so the great and popular Jake the Jock wants to talk an unpopular girl's brother about something personal?" this was so much fun.

"Yes, now can you give him the phone?" he sounded mad or he could be getting impatient.

"Nope." I laughed.

"Why not?"

" 'Cause he's takin a shower and I don't want my phone gettin wet."

"Well, then can I come over and wait for him?"

"No way!" No way is he coming over here.

"Too bad! I'm already outside and comin your way."

"But I-" I tried to protest, but he hung up.

I heard the door bell ring and went to go open the door, even though I knew I shouldn't. There in front of me was Jake, smiling brightly. I took one look at him and slammed the door in his face, then walked away.

Sandy asked coming into the living room wearing jeans and a small, white towel wrapped around his neck. If he wasn't my brother, I'd tell him he looked hot, but he was, so no can do.

"Who was that?" Sandy asked, wiping his chocolate brown hair with the towel.

"Jake." I answered simply.

"And you didn't let him in?"

"Nope, didn't feel like it."

The doorbell rang again and I knew it was Jake, I hoped Sandy wouldn't answer the door, but he did.

"Sorry about that." Sandy apologized.

"It's alright. I need to talk to you." Jake replied.

"Alright, give me a sec."

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