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Genre: Fluffy Ship: Vikklan Warnings: None Editing: I skimmed
*2 Updates bc I never update this book 😍
"Lachlan! Hurry up! I want to go before the traffic is bad!" I called to my Australian boyfriend.
"Vik, it's okay. We still have tickets for tomorrow too." Lachlan laughed and kissed my cheek.
We were going to a fair for our 1st date. Well, it was technically our first date but we've been friends for years, it feels like we're engaged.
We finally made it into the fair.
"Lachlan!! I wanna play games!" I pouted and looked up at him, knowing he hated playing these games.
"But, Vikky, these games are a scam." Lachlan glared at the stands and staff beckoning people to play their games.
"Please, Lachy!" I beg, watering my eyes and staring into his.
"Just a few." He said, sighing.
"Ooh look it have turtle (slide A/N hahah), Yey!" I grabbed Lachlan's hand pull him to a balloon popping game giving out turtle plushies.
"I will win you one." I said handing a bill to the man running the stand.
"Alright! 3 darts! Hit all three and you get a medium prize, play again then hit 2 to trade in your medium prize for a big prize. Play 2 more times for a large prize!" The guy said, enthusiastically.
5 bills later the couple walked away with a big turtle.
"Turtle, turtle, we gots a turtle!" Lachlan sang as we made our way to the rides.
"Want to ride the swing one?" I asked him, putting the turtle into the small backpack I brought.
We laughed and ran to the queue where we showed the woman our wristbands while the other kids around us held out tickets.
We were sent onto one out of four remaining seats, four little girls taking the two blue seats and a teenaged couple on the remaining purple one. We sat on a bright yellow swing and buckled in.
The unhappy worker pulled on the bar securing us down and moved on to the next couple. My toes touched the ground while Lachlan's feet were flat.
We spent our energy on the rides and eating fatty fair food.
The stars were beginning to show and the bright fair lights twinkled over our laughing figures.
"Wanna go on the ferris wheel, babe?" I asked Lachlan.
He nodded and we got into the fairly long line.
"H-hey! Are you guys Vikk and Lachlan?" a group of five boys, behind us asked.
"Yeah! Do you watch our vids?" Lachlan said, smiling at the one nearest him.
"These losers do, I don't. I prefer Rob and Mitch." The oldest smirked.
"Don't mind him, he's stupid. Can I have a picture?" The rest nod in agreement and we posed for about 3 pictures.
We finally made our way onto one of the brightly lit carts of the ferris wheel.
I grinned and snuggled into Lachlan's side as our cart slowly made it up. The sun was setting and I took out my phone.
"Lachlan! Smile!" I snapped a picture of us and the fair in the backround.
"Vikky? I love you." Lachlan kissed my cheek and looked away blushing. That was the first time that he's said that. Well, as my boyfriend and not best friend.
I sighed contently and whispered, "I love you too, Lachy."
We made it to the top and I snapped another picture.
"lACHLAN NO!!" Lachlan shifted his body weight to the back of the cart then to the front again, making the cart squeak under us. "LACHLAN, I SWEAR I WILL SLAP YOU SO HARD TO WILL FALL OUT OF THIS DAMN CART!"
Stifled laughing came from carts below us but Lachlan kept rocking the cart.
"LacHLAN! I gripped the bar in front us us with my left hand and held Lachlan's arm in my right.
"Mr. Lachlan, to avoid injury- and possibly being thrown off your cart- please refrain from rocking the cart. Thank you."
Lachlan laughed and stopped rocking the cart.
"THANK YOU." I screamed down.
I looked to the blonde beside me and kissed his lips. Besides wanting to throw him of the cart, it was a perfect first date.
Tell me if there are any spelling, grammar, or tense issues :p