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The Second Star To The Right by Nicole; Disneylover8

Prologue And Straight On Till Morning


A/n- hey it's me from the future — there are a lot of mess ups and all in this book and i haven't had time to go through and edit it so pls forgive me mwah ily guys peace out

"You're a powerful girl, (Y/n)."

"I know."

"You just need to find your center."

"My center was family, but I've learned that I have none left."

"You don't know that."

"Your not older than me anymore, so don't try acting wiser."

A hand brushed your (h/c) hair out of your face, and you looked into a pair of blue eyes. The owners to the longing eyes moved closer to you, his lips inching towards yours.

You stepped back and grabbed a map off of the table.

"Peter, come with me." You kept your gaze at James, who looked at you with a small smile, and then to Peter with jealousy.

You grabbed Peters hand, looking away from James, and pulled him along.

"Where are we going." Peter cried, slipping on his feet sense you pulled him so fast, then flew so he wouldn't fall.

"To find my mom."

(lol Finding (Y/n) HAHUR...)


You now have the knowledge that your home in London, isn't your really your home.

Neverland is.

And that real your mother, and other members, are alive.

So your staying.

Your not going back.

Not leaving the place you've missed...without missing it.

The place where danger lurks, but keeps your journey going.

The place the real villain is.

The place where your real mother is.

Where you have two (or more lol) boys competing for your love.

A young, (P.E. to the T.T.Y.), perky boy...and a charming, mysterious, romantic boy.

Though it may be extremely awkward to think back that a old, hooked man had a crush on you, he was a young boy stuck in a pirates body.

Dangers, more powerful and evil shadows than Hook, are lurking in the shadows (this makes me smile because in The Hero's Journey, the villain is called the shadow) and finding they're ways towards you.

All the pixies and creatures have spread the word the prophecy is staying in Neverland.

And how your teamed with Peter and James.

Now, the darkness will stop at nothing to control over you, and suck your power to gain over all strength of the island.

Strength over creatures, plants, Mother Nature, and you.


"Master, master." A small, hunched over man ran to a thrown.

"What in hell do you want, Decay." He growled, clawing at his staff.

It was a silver stick, decorated with black designs and dead leaves and vines. On top, was a green emerald that lit only the shadows sneer.

"The Prophecy! It's-it's the girl." Decay stuttered, bowing down towards his guardian.

"And?" He began pointing his staff towards the man, prepared to strike him for ruining his peace.

"She's returned-to Neverland."

The shadow slowly put down his staff, laying it in a large crack on his throws arm.

"Ah, and this girl challenges me?" He asked, a smile prancing his face.

"N-not that I know if, sire..." The creature got up from his bowed position and began to back up.

"Fantastic..." The shadow grinned wickedly, "Now, let's get revenge from what she did to my kingdom long ago."

"But she had allies, and probably many to come!" His assistance squeaked, itching his arm that was decaying.

"Well, we.....

                    Have an army."

Please read the first book Second Star To The Right, if you haven't already, so this book will make more sense.

If your to lazy, which most of probably are, read this>>.....Can't summarize the beauty and magnificence (lol) of the last book so sorry lazy people you better get to reading the other book

Apart from that- This has gotten really confusing.

And I'll warn you-
Though this is a Peter Pan X Reader, and that will be the 'ship' that the story ends in, but this will contain 2-3 OTHER charming young men *wink* *wink* including James, a lil alley, and the shadow whom we don't know the name of yet.....*cough* *cough* I don't either *cough*


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