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And Straight On Till Morning by Gigi; Disneylover8

Chapter 13 Poisoned


A/n- not exactly a face reveal, but UGH!! I love Peter Pan more than I did before creating this series😍😂❤️

"James, love, kiss me! We can kill Peter tonight! Isn't that what you wanted?" You hummed, turning and kissing the edge of his lips.

James tugged you back around, "Peter, what do we do with her?"

"Ouchy! Your hurting me!" You whined, but leaning back so your back was against James's chest.

"Did you make any cure for it?" Peter cried, keeping his distance, but wanting to do nothing more then to hold you.

"Um...well you see." James winced, "Not that I know of..."

Peter groaned, "We need to tie her down or something...can you watch her when I go grab some rope from your room? I know I saw some earlier..."

James nodded, and watched as Peter left.

"Okay, (Y/n)...let's just go sit over here-"

You smiled innocently as he directed you towards a chair. Just as he was about to sit you down in it, you turned around, pushing him down so he had in the chair instead.

You sat down on his lap, facing him in the chair. You grinned as his face grew red.

"So, you going to help me, James?" You whispered, slowly moving your hands behind his neck and moving his head lower.

"Uh...I-I mean..."

"You don't want to loose everything you ever had with lil (Y/n), do you?"

You softly hovered over his lips, kissing the side of his lip, taunting him to take your side.

(A/n- whowch! you've become a seductive bad*ss with this poison! Yay me! I'm actually mature with writing romance scenes!! I've-gasp-matured!!)

"(Y/n)...this isn't you-you love Peter...not me!" His eyes trailed to your lips, "As much as I'd love to kiss you again, I-"

You grew impatient and crashed your lips to his, his hands unconsciously trailing to your waist. You grinned wickedly into the kiss, letting one hand roam to his hair.

Any second now...Pan will come back. And he will loose all trust he has ever built with his brother...

You slowly made your hands down to his pants, where a dagger was attacked to his belt. Swiftly, you pulled it out, placing it on your belt. He didn't even notice, to entranced with the new you.

You pulled him closer by snaking your arms around his neck, and he moved his hands to your back, doing he same.

"James..." A voice croaked, and you grinned, not allowing the boy to part from the kiss.

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