Poor, Powerless, (Y/n)

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And Straight On Till Morning by Gigi; Disneylover8

Chapter 12 Poor, Powerless, (Y/n)


A/n- Should I do a face reveal?!? Even if I did it would be a small one ahaha I don't take selfies...

Im driving back from Disney and I FRICKING met PETER PAN!!! HE WAS SO CUTE!!! UGH I DIED!!

And also it's my birthday!!! I am actually 14 now, not 15 like I had said last year, because of the Watty Awards I didn't want them to read it and find I was under the age limit. But, I am now proudly 14, on 3/15/17!!!


The three of you had snuck out of his bedroom at nightfall, quietly walking across the hall to get to James's office.

You quickly shut the door, and took in short breath before turning and grabbing the first book.

"They've got to be in here somewhere-"

"-It's not like I knew about them before...how do you know they're in any of these books?" James asked, "I've read through them lots."

"Well, you're stupid because there's a whole book about them here." You held the book up smirking.

James scoffed, and Peter ran to you.

"Okay...so it just says where the live and all this poop. There's nothing about weakness." Peter frowned, and you grinned.

"Please I've seen enough secret agent movies." You grabbed the book and shook it. A few loose papers came out, and then you opened the book to the middle and ripped out the page. After that, you went to the very back and tugged on the leather book cover. It came loose and you turned it around and beamed.

James and Peter just starred at you in confusion and awe as you collected all the papers and cleared the desk. You spread the papers across the desk.

"That has nothing but gibberish. Who's stupid now?" James snapped, and you rolled your eyes before grabbing a pencil and circling each first letter of sentence.

You smirked at him before copying down the letters, "Who's stupid now." You mimicked in a higher voice, and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm slowly getting sick of you, (Y/n)." James growled which made you spit your tongue out at him.

"Grow up, you two!" Peter spit, then pursed his lips, letting out a snort.

You scrunched your face, but then too began to laugh. James watched the two of you laugh and rolled his eyes.

"Why am I even helping you. I should have killed you both long ago..." He mumbled, but his chest ached at your adorable scrunched face and sighed, "How can one girl make me a good guy in five minutes..."

"Maybe because I'm amazing." You answered, and he turned red knowing that you had heard.

After a few moments of laughing on the floor, you stood and continued.

Peter lay against your back, which was hunched over a desk scribbling letters and scrambling them together.

"Guys...I think I got it!" You grinned, drawing the words and letters together in patterns and codes, "Woah...guys."

Suddenly, you fell over, your mind fuzzy, and your legs numb. You fell to the floor, Peter racing to help you and James walking over, worriedly.

Your eyes shot open, and the first thing that you laid eyes on was the sharp, shiny dagger on the shelf.

And the only words running through your mind were, 'Kill Peter Pan,'.

You stood up, not looking any where but the blade. You walked over to if, grinning as you picked it up.

"What a lovely weapon, James."

James eyed you, walking to you, "Thank you, I think it was pirated from one of the near by coves."

"How well does it kill?" You grinned, and he walked over to you.

"Um...I'm not sure, I've never tested it out..."

"Hmm...can I?"

His face scrunched in confusion, "I'm...not sure what you mean-"

Swiftly, you turned and threw the dagger at the flying boy in green.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled, dodging it, "What the heck that could have hit me!" 

You cackled, "That was the point!"

James grabbed your wrist, and you pulled back into his chest.

"Hello, Jamesy Wamesy." You purred, letting your hand roam his jaw line.

His face grew red, "H-Hi..."

You smiled, glad he was hit by love struck hard,  "Anymore weapons?"

Peter stared as you slowly traced his lips, slowly closing the gap between you and James, "(Y/n)...what are you doing?"

James slowly leaned into your kiss, before his eyes glanced at your eyes.

They were a brighter (e/c), and your pupils them self were huge.

As your lips touched his, he melted into it, before coming to senses and grabbing your arms, pulling them behind your back.

You yelped, glaring, "James, babe, what are you doing?"

"Peter, remember that poison...um, Hook had laces (Y/n)s cut with?"

Peter nodded, his face falling into a face of pain and fear.

"Yeah...well, I think it's finally gotten to her brain."

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