IV - Fighting Her Demons.

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••| Chapter 4 |••

Playlist: Stay with me - Akcent.


I was sleeping peacefully in my room when I heard loud screaming from the other side. I glanced at the clock and it showed 3 am. I threw away the blanket and rushed to see her but the door to the guest room was locked. I banged the door loudly but no one was opening it.

"Open the door. Damn it!" I spoke in rage. All I could hear were the cries and screams. My heart sank at those helpless cries. I quickly rushed to the key stand beside the main door and jumbled with the keys. Finally I found the spare key and unlocked the door. There, sitting at the edge of the bed, was a scared, vulnerable, broken little girl whose eyes were filled with dread and terror.

"Go away! No. Go away!" She shouted clutching onto her head as if she was talking to someone else.

When she saw me, she threw her blanket away and ran towards me. Clutching on my shirt tightly and burying her head in my chest, she stuttered in between her sobs.
"He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me."

Horrified at her words, I pulled her back to take a look at her. Her condition was not stable and I was sure of it. "Who?"

"He's here and he's going to kill me." She spoke again, shivering with fear.
I took a good analysis of the room, with her clutching onto my upper arm tightly from behind. Nobody could've entered there ever. The windows were all closed. I knew that she was hallucinating and that some past memories kept haunting her time and again. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her as she sniffed silently in my arms. "Shh! Shh! Nobody is here. Nobody is going to hurt you."

She was shaking with fear in my hold as I tried to calm her down.

"Okay, come with me." I held her hand and dragged her with me to my bedroom. "Go and sleep on the bed. I am watching over you." I told her.
She settled herself on bed and I sat on the black couch in front of her, studying her carefully. She stared at the ground for five long minutes.

"You. Sleep. On. Bed. I am slightly insomniac. I won't sleep early." She spoke in a robotic manner, still looking at the wooden floor. She stuffed the pillows in middle of the bed creating a personal space for both of us. She pointed at the other side and I laid there quietly, sideways.
She followed soon and laid on the other side, separated by a territory of white, cotton stuffed pillows. Soon enough she was asleep. Seeing her alright, I drifted into sleep as well.

Waking up with the small amount of sunlight coming through the thick blue curtains, I looked at the doll sleeping peacefully in my arms. Her arms were tightly wrapped around my shoulders and her right cheek was resting on my chest. I had wrapped my arm around her back and the other one was caressing her silky hair. In the middle of the night, she got scared and removed the pillows from the centre of the bed. She scooted closer to me and held my forefinger in her hand just like a little girl. She had taken a lot of time deciding whether to hold my hand or not. I had tried very hard to suppress my smile at the cute confusion in her eyes. Finally she had held my hand close to her chest and slept. Today her wounds were much better and were in a healing process and I had decided to take her for a check up at the nearby hospital. She would rebel but I would have to force her. I was not a doctor and I was quite sure that there was something more besides these cuts.


I opened my eyes in an abnormal environment. There was warmth surrounding me and it felt really wierd. I had not felt like this since I was seven. I took in the surroundings of the room and the last night came rushing back in my mind. The warmth and the comfort surrounding me was Ryan. I remembered holding his hand last night but how did I end up on top of him.

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