14 | Hot Topic |

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Yesterday, -Sunday- was my actual birthday. Scarlet, Mom, and I went to The Cheescake Factory and it was delish! It was now Monday morning, and I was getting ready for the dreaded school. I was currently wearing an oversized sweater, and sweatpants because I didn't want to be seen. If the whole Ariana fiasco didn't happen, I would be wearing an off-the-shoulder plain beige top, and denim, shredded, high-waisted shorts courtesy of Mackenzie. Speaking of birthday presents, I got the best text ever from Scarlet this morning.

Scarrrrr: omg guess what? Blossom is telling everybody that you guys are bff's to gain popularity! talk about two-faced lol and she's so pissed she didn't go to the concert with us! you know what they say, karma's a bish!

Also, I explained everything that happened to a coherent Nia and Chloe. Turns out, she accidentally drank 5-hour energy instead of her vitamin juice.

I threw my hair into a top knot and felt pleased with my look, and I ran downstairs. Now that we have actual food, I don't have to go on Fruit Loops for breakfast.

"Hey, Maddie!" Mackenzie chirped, doing a u-turn around the kitchen island.

I managed a 'Hey, Kenz' in the mouthful of eggs I could. Finishing up my breakfast as Mackenzie just started her's, I would need a seperate parent to drive me to school.

"Greg!' I hollered.

I decided to take him out of his misery due to the Mackenzie filled weekend. I know, I know. I'm such a good daughter. Always thinking of others before myself!

"Mackenzie pass me my cardigan." I demanded.


"Give me the dang cardigan!' I yelled. Mackenzie whimpered at my harsh tone and feverishly handed me my cardigan, and I snatched it from her hands. Okay, I need a little break from always being a good daughter! I mean it's such hard-work!


"Hi, Maddie! Hope you had a good weekend!" Laura, a girl in my biology class said sickly sweet as she passed by me in the halls. Okay, if one more person compliments me, I swear! I know I sound bratty but you don't get it! There's only so much compliments one could take!

I slammed my locker shut, and I could feel the fire flamming from my nostrils. Suddenly, Josh turned the hallway corner, making his way straight towards me. If Chloe and Nia were here right now, they would be snickering their heads off right now.When Josh had finally reached my locker, he smiled at me, showing his full row of perfect teeth. Ugh, perfect, perfect, perfect. Does this guy have one flaw? Oh, yeah. He's a jerk.

"Hey, Miss Popular." Josh greeted. I rolled my eyes. I was at the top of the 'Hot Topic' list. A list created by the 'it group' of what's hot at the moment, and what's not. Also, at the top of the list, was Mikey and Paige's break-up. Apparently, according to Nia, Paige was cheating on Mikey with Gino. Poor Mikey...

"Hey yourself." I retorted, playfully punching him in the shoulder.

"Hey Maddie? Wanna go to lunch with me?" A boy in my homeroom, Ricky, asked. He was cute, and sweet, and would playfully tease me here and there. But I wouldn't trust anybody until the whole Ariana thing dies down..

"Actually, she's going with me." Josh said, throwing an arm around my shoulder. Scoffing, I removed his arm from my shoulder.

Ricky blushed, and slightly frowned.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't know, so I'll just -"

"No! I mean, I'm not going to lunch with him. I'm going to lunch with my friends." I quickly explained. The color of Ricky's cheeks flushed back to normal as soon as he realized I wasn't a 'thing' with one of Franklin Regional's it boys. And as if on cue, Chloe and Nia appeared at my locker.

"Okay, but maybe tomorrow? Sorry if I'm, um, bothering you.I just.. I'll go now." Ricky quickly stated, rushing his words together, and leaving my locker area quickly. Rolling my eyes, I shooed a laughing Josh away from me. He claimed 'it was funny seeing him get so nervous talking to you'.

"What was that about?" Chloe asked, readjusting her bag strap. Truthfully, I didn't know myself.

"I dunno, but I want a milkshake. Shake Shack?" I suggested. Shake Shack was a fast food joint specailizing in - you guessed it - milkshakes. And I was really craving one at the moment.

"Okay, I would ask Nick to drive us but he's sick so.. yeah." Chloe said, addding a meek shrug.

Nia sighed, and began playing a game with the most annoying sound effects. That reminds me, I got the iPhone 5C for my birthday. Pink goes with every outfit!

A few seconds later, Paige turned the hallway corner with her groupies, Mallory and Courtney. Gah, they were all so perfect. No wonder Josh was an it guy, perfectness and all.

"Hey, Mads!" Paige called, waving her hands at me. Only a small amount of people were in the halls at this time. Lunch had started about ten minutes ago, and the only people that would still be in school was freshman, because they weren't allowed of school grounds. Nia and Chloe were utterly surprised that Paige was purposely talking to me. I mean, they should know of my newfound popularity. Especially Nia, being the gossip queen of this school, should know I was at the top of the 'Hot Topic' list.

"Hey, Paige! Hi Courtney, Mallory." I greeted. Paige, Mallory and Courtney, smiled at Nia and Chloe, and they did the same.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with us?" Paige offered, raising an eyebrow.

I glanced at Nia and Chloe. Should I go with them? Or should I stay with my friends? I remembered Chloe's advice from the first day of school; Never reject an it person in public. If you do, they'll make your life a living hell.

Sucking in a breath, I mustered the biggest smile I could.

"That would be great!" I said, earning a glare from Nia and Chloe. I sighed, all good things must come to an end.

"That's great! Meet us at Brandon's car!" Paige explained, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. She sashayed off to the exit, with Mallory and Courtney scurrying at her heels.Brandon's car? Hm, I guess that meant Brooke was going too. I turned around to face an angry Chloe and Nia.

"Uh, what was that about? I thought we were going to Shake Shack." Chloe spat.

"Yeah, it's one thing to ditch us, and another thing to ditch us right in front of our faces. Talk to us when you have your priorities straight." Nia snarled, before they turned around at once and marched throught the doors.

Talk about déjà vu.

A/N yay i finished! this took me 3 days to write omfg. anyway, 20 votes for more! and what do you think about maddie's newfound popularity? so.. there are now two teams. team micky and team mosh!

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