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"You're necklace looks so expensive, where'd you get it?" Chloe asks, while we walked towards Home Ec.

I discretely looked down, to see I was wearing the necklace Josh had given me! My face flushed, and I immediately looked away, and at the floor.

"Er-um... Josh gave it to me. He asked me to the dance," I confessed, hugging my notebooks tighter.

I quickly looked at Chloe, who visibly tensed. She took a deep breath, and shrugged.

"Cool," she muttered, before briskly turning and entering the room, leaving me confused.

Sighing, I walked in. She didn't even let me tell her the part where I would reveal that I couldn't go to the dance after all.


Home Ec was awkward, seeing as Chloe was obviously ignoring me. I didn't get her deal, she had Logan. Cute, adorable, Logan and she's jealous of Josh? Hm, maybe Logan didn't ask her out in a romantic way. That must be it.

"Chlo," I said, tugging on her shoulder. "Are you mad at me?"

Chloe glanced at me, before sighing.

"No, I'm not."

I smiled in relief, and we separated ways seeing as I was going to the first floor for PE, and she was going to biology.

Lunch couldn't come any faster, and I walked with Paige towards the cafeteria. Lately, we've been eating lunch in the lunchroom for some reason

"Guess what?" I asked, dreading to tell her.


"I got grounded," I sighed.

Paige frowned, sympathetically.

"Really? Can't you sneak out or something? We finally convinced you to go- wait, are you lying just so you have an excuse not to go?" Paige demanded.

I rolled my eyes, lightly chuckled to myself at the fierceness in her voice.

"No, I'm not lying. I choked my little sister," this is where Paige looked at me confused, yet alarmed,"-and boom. I'm grounded for three weeks," I mumbled.

"Aw, that sucks. It would be worse if you had a date," Paige joked, elbowing me in my side.

I grinned to myself, and touched the necklace. Paige noticed me, and stopped in her tracks, to look at me and smile.

"Wait, you had a date? Is that the person who gave you the necklace?! Who?!" Paige squealed, jumping up and down.

I giggled at Paige's childness, and took a deep breath.

"Josh asked me to the dance!" I beamed, loudly.

Suddenly, all the girls in the hallway head's turned towards me, with envious glares. Quickly, I jumped to the side to hide begin Paige's mane of blonde hair. Paige herself, was frozen. Shouldn't she be happy for me?

"Maddie..." She started, turning around and reached to hold my hand.

Abruptly, I pulled my hand out of reach, and looked at her with a face full of hurt. I thought she'd be happy for me!

"What? It's not like Josh is gonna hurt me, he loves me! Loves me!" I whimpered, looking down.

Rudely, nearby girls leaned in to listen to our conversation. Fortunately, Paige had enough sense to grab my arm and drag me to the nearest janitor's closet.

"Do you love him back?"

I nodded slowly, frowning. Somehow, I was able to stop Josh's player-ish ways, and he fell in love with me. She should be happy one of her friends isn't sleeping around with whores anymore! I did it, I beat the game. I beat the player.

"Maddie, don't fall in too deep, or there will be no getting out," Paige warned, placing both hands on each of my shoulders, staring me straight in the eye.

I looked away quickly, and at the bucket of cleaning supplies. Why was she always warning me about Josh? Sometimes, I think I should take her advice. Other times, I'm smart. Josh loves me. He spent months convincing me that he was worth my time, so that counts for something right?

"Do you even know what love is?" She asked, letting her voice hang low.

I stared at her, thinking. What was love exactly.

"Love," she began, "is like an open book, unfinished- yet beautiful. It's like- like waking up every morning and and just knowing that the person you love most in the world will be there next to you. Love is like a great big sea, and you two are the only fishes, and you don't even care!"

Paige smiled dreamily as she leaned back, and slumped against the wall behind her.

"Love is precious, Maddie. You can't just give it away to anybody. It's not who your heart beats for, it's not how much you can spend, it's not even about how much you say you love them. It's about kissing them when they're sick, and staying up all night watching your favorite shows. It's about snuggling on Sunday mornings- love is about so many things; it can't be reduced to one," Paige breathed, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me with every sentence.

"'Now tell me Maddie, what is love to you?"

I thought for a moment; what is love anyway? Paige's description perfectly described love. What was love to me, honestly?

"Love is- love is not a metaphor or a simile. Love means something different to everyone. Maybe Mackenzie's love is going to gymnastics every afternoon, even though she goes into the foam pit. Maybe Nia's love is walking into the studio every day, putting on pointe shoes that hurt like hell, but wear them anyway because she loves it! Maybe my Mom's love is seeing her two daughters growing up in front of her. Maybe my love is not loving someone else, but loving the way they love you," I confessed, ranting on and on.

I felt my cheeks, and they were damp. Was I crying? I glanced at Paige, and she was crying too? I was literally so confused!

"Maddie... that was beautiful," she whispered.

She pulled me into a hug, that lasted for awhile.

"I'm sorry for acting all weird about Josh earlier, you know. It doesn't even matter since you can't go to the dance," she apologized, opening the door.

I smiled, signaling I accepted the apology.

I mentally cackled at Paige's apology:

Who said I wasn't going to find a way to go to the dance?


Wow, that was dramatic! Anyway, 45 votes for more!

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