20 | Secrets Galore |

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Maddie -

I harshly stuffed my feet into my brown knitted uggs. I did well, better than most of the girls, but not well enough. My knee was still throbbing, so I may have to stay home tomorrow.

"Okay," Abby said, walking into the den where most of the auditioners were sitting. "All of you were good, yes. But does good cut it?"


"Mackenzie, Sierra, and Maddie. Congratulations. You are on Abby Lee's elite competition team."

I grinned at my sister. At least one thing had gone right today. My Mom kissed the top of Mackenzie and I'd head, and engulfed us in a hug. She had already signed some paperwork, so that was taken care of. My classes begin Monday at 4:15 sharp. So that must mean I have to quit cheerleading.

"Lets go," my Mom said to me.

I got up and followed her and Mackenzie into the ALDC parking lot. We were almost into cold, late September air, but surprisingly Chloe stopped me.

She grabbed my arm, and tugged me backwards. I frowned as I looked at her pale hands, clamping onto my arm.

"I'm sorry for blowing up at you about, you know. It was really selfish, and I just wondered if we could be friends again." She explained, her features softening.

I didn't know it she was lying or not. She was good at lying..

"I guess," I lamely mumbled.

She smiled and waved at me. Unsurely, I waved back with a half-smile on my face. Shaking my head, I walked to the car.


"I never got to ask you this, but what happened between you and Josh at the food court? As soon as he saw me, he ran off," Paige frowned.

Should I tell her that Josh had feelings for me? Or is there a reason he left when Paige was walking my way? Either way, Paige was my best friend. Mallory and Courtney drifted away from the 'It' crowd as soon as I stepped into the picture, for some reason.

"Uh, can we talk in private about this?" I asked. We both had the same study hall, lucky for us. She nodded, and we both went to the bathroom. More like I limped.

Paige hopped onto the sink counter, getting comfortable.

"Josh said he liked me."

She froze.

"Wait, what?"

"Josh said he liked me," I repeated, but slower.

She groaned, and raked her hands slowly down her face. She shook her head when she looked at me.


"It's just.." She started. She trailed off, and frowned. What was going on? There were so many secrets being kept from me this week, and I'm sick of it!

"Just what?!" I snapped, venom laced into my harsh words.

Paige was surprised at my sudden change in tone, and jumped a bit. She tilted her head, and looked at me.

"Sorry." She finally said, after a few seconds of awkward silence. "But do you like him back!"

I pursed my lips. Did I? He was sweet, and cute, but also deceptive and charming. Did I honestly want that? I didn't know, I didn't even know what I wanted for breakfast!

"Honestly, I have no idea right now."

"Better make up your mind," she said jumping off of the counter. "Just know, Josh intentions are not for the benefit of you."

And she left me, standing alone in the dingy school bathroom..

[A/N I know I said 40 votes for more, but I got bored! Lol, so I wrote this chapter on my phone :). But for realz this time, 40 votes for more! And please comment your thoughts on this chapter!]

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