28 | Bathroom Confessions |

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I groaned as Abby yelled at me for the fiftieth time, correcting me on my on my aerial. I mean, after twelve years of dancing, I'd think I know how to do an aerial!

"Listen Maddie," Abby began. "I am putting so much faith in you, and you're slacking off! It seems like everyone on this team is in La La Land! What is going on?"

I sighed, and looked down at my feet. I didn't liked how much pressure Abby put on me, but I had to deal with it. This week, I have a solo to Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran, and it's really beautiful. The only problem is that I'm messing up my choreography so it's becoming not-so beautiful.

"Well, the thing is, there's a dance-"

"A dance? I thought you were grounded," Abby raised her eyebrows.

I sucked in an involuntary breath, my Mom was sharing my business?

"Well uh-yeah, I am- but um," I stammered, trying to come up with an excuse,"Everybody's talking about it and it makes me feel really left out because I won't be able to go."

Abby seemed to buy it, because she simply rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Forget about the dance, okay? Because if you're not at your A-game, I'm giving your solo to Chloe," Abby stated, before turning around on me and walking out of the studio.

I suppressed an eye roll, and settled for crossing my eyes over my chest and chewing the inside of my lip.

Sighing, I walked out of the studio also, and into the den. It was Thursday, and the competition was in a few days. Mackenzie and one of her friends, Lilia, had a duet. The group was something I didn't pay attention to.

"Mom, I want to go home," I stated firmly, slinging my dance bag over my shoulder.

She pursed her lips, and raised an eyebrow.

"Maddie, you're my fifteen-year-old daughter, you can't tell me what to do," She scoffed.

Gritting my teeth, I threw my bag onto the floor and stomped towards the bathroom. I really didn't want to be here at the moment, seeing as all the drama that was going on at the moment.

Chloe and Logan had some tension going on, Paige seems to be interested in Mikey again, Sasha is all over Josh and he seems to be fine with it, and Brooke and Brandon split.

I slumped against the stall, and covered my face with my hands

"Mads? Are you in here?" A muffled voice asked.

I stayed quiet, hoping for the person to go away

"Maddie, answer me. It's Nia," The person- Nia said.

Sighing, I stood up and unlocked my stall. Nia turned around to face me, and offered a weak smile.

"Hi," she greeted.


"What's wrong? You acted like a drama queen back there, and I know that's not you," She stated.

I awkwardly avoided Nia's gaze, and instead focused on the wall behind her.

"All the drama is so overwhelming, and it basically revolves around me. I just don't feel like myself all of a sudden, I don't know," I confessed.

I finally looked at Nia, who was sympathetically smiling. I attempted to smile back at her, but it failed. She gently placed a hand on my shoulder, and lead my towards the sinks.

Effortlessly, she pushed herself onto the counter.

"Come on Mads, you can tell me," She insisted.

Sighing, I shyly looked down at the floor twisting my body side to side. I brushed the hair from my face, before speaking again.

"So, about a week ago, I got a text from a random person that said they saw Josh and I uh, kiss, in the staircase and they said they loved me. They also said Josh was a monster or something. Then I told Josh and we were discussing it and we decided it was Logan, which kinda makes sense because he and I have been flirting," I took a deep breath.

"And then I guess Josh talked about it with Logan and ever since then there's been tension between him and Chloe. Then there's Sasha, the never-ending leg opener. She's all over Josh likes she's blind! She obviously doesn't know him and I are meant to be together! And then Brooke and Brandon split out of nowhere and she's acting like such a bitch-"

"Wasn't she always one?"

"That's not the point!" I exclaimed, "The point is everything somehow comes back to me. With Chloe and Logan, everything's been awkward between Logan and I. With Sasha and I, there's always some mini World War 2 when we're around each other. With Brooke and Brandon, well, she's just being an annoying little bitch and it's just- ugh!" I admitted, pulling at my hair.

Nia smirked, and crossed her arms over her chest like I just told her she looked hot.

"So you're saying that everything revolves around you?"

"No! That makes me sound cocky! I'm just saying that everything somehow comes back to me and it's tiring," I cleared up.

Nia pursed her lips, as if she still wasn't buying it.

"Well, whatever. Tell me how you feel about all this drama at the dance, I feel like something epic is gonna happen this year," Nia chirped, jumping down from the counter.

I chewed the inside of my lip, while thinking of a way to inform Nia about my situation.

"I can't go to the dance," I confessed, stopping her before she left the bathroom. "I got grounded, and I can only leave the house for school and dance. So I guess it's no dance for me."

Nia's shoulders slumped, and I could tell she was disappointed.

"That's a shame. I was feeling that something important would happen between you and Josh there."

She looked away, and walked out of the bathroom.

What did she mean?


Sorry I was MIA with this story for a while! But I'm back! Since you guys keep getting votes so quick, I have to raise the bar for votes, sorry!

Anyway yeah, 50 votes and 15 comments for more!(:

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